Forum Topics CU6 CU6 Bear Case

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Last edited 3 months ago

Doesn't look like Dr Alan Taylor is participating in the latest placement.


And non exec director Dr Christopher Roberts also did not take any recent placement


Also long termer TM ventures not taking any of the insto placement.

Maybe a clue that I should not take the retail placement?

Maybe the bears will be proved right and this is overvalued


3 months ago

Would not read too much into the CEO Alan Taylor not taking up the CU6 share offer. He started CU6 over 10 years ago with the aid of Sydney Angel money before listing CU6 in 2021.         See yesterday’s AFR article:

So looks as though he did not come from great wealth.

He has around 14m shares and on paper is worth about $38m and is pulling a salary of around $700k a year. He looks to be about in his mid forties is married and likely has a family and in all probability is fully financially committed just running his life. 

What’s more, whilst the whole CU6 venture is very promising, even if you were close to it you would hesitate to throw more money into it. Especially if it meant going into debt to do so.

The director of Cabbitt Pty ATF the Robwill trust is Chris Roberts who was the CEO of Cochelar and chair of Sirtex.   Like most rich people I know he is probably broke.   Any that have their heads screwed on are generally financially committed up to their eye-balls reaching for the next prize.  If not, they are usually just habitual tight-arses who only buy vegemite when it is on special at the supermarket.      

I like many others think CU6 is definitely onto something and whilst owning some shares also won’t be taking up the offer. Mainly because of the modest discount to the share price and like most other shareholders appreciate you could lose the lot.    


3 months ago

Taylor and Roberts already have enough shares.

The positive I see is that this increases the free float of shares and makes it easier to enter the main index.

Also Taylor earned the University medal at Sydney Uni.

After receiving the University Medal for his undergraduate degree in Applied Science at the University of Sydney, Alan completed his PhD in Medicine at the Garvan Institute of Medical Research. Dr Taylor has also completed a Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance at the Securities Institute of Australia.