Forum Topics ALC ALC Bull Case

Pinned straw:

Added 3 months ago

Bull Case? We'll see.


3 months ago

Some further explanation of the admittedly busy chart would be nice @Saiton, thank you.

Also, how would you approach a trade in the name? At what levels would you buy, and where would you place your stops (if you use them)? I know this is sacrilege on a forum like this, and I am not a trader, but I do have a growing admiration for basic TA and am curious!


3 months ago

Ha sorry no problem, was just thinking this chart is 1 of my cleaner charts. Anyway firstly i will tell you this is one of my beaten down stocks that I hold and am now waiting to see some conviction before entering to make back my losses, which wouldn't surprise me if many on Strawman are in the same boat. It would take a lot of explanation to explain the intricacies of how it all works. I have gained my knowledge over a long period of time from many sources and you must remember nothing is fool proof. I also, still get it wrong, however my hit rate is much better than it used to be. I feel more in control now. Im guessing I have spent around 12k to learn what i know and thats not including losses acquired from people scamming me out of $ or just teaching absolute rubbish through memberships. That said i feel I have turned a corner.

Where and how I set my trades up all depends of how I feel mentally at the time about the company and my tollerance for risk. My tolerance for risk changes from day to day also as you could imagine. Really take note of how you feel about trades when you place them and you will dicover they swing wildly.

I have to say I am reluctant to explain my technique as I really dont want to be responsible for anyone elses losses if they occur. I simply post my thoughts here as a diary for myself on what I was feeling and my thoughts, holding myself accountable. I post here, and what people want to do with that information is up to them. It would be great if it helps others and saves them making trades that are poorly timed . Hell i have had some bad experiences over the last 8 years and it would make me very happy to save someone else from some of the pitfalls I have been in.

For now I want to see it complete this small 5 wave structure shown (which would make it a larger degree wave 1 or (W1) and then see the pull back down and how deep it goes for a wave 2 (W2) before I will be thinking of entering. I like to see if it is abiding by some of the rules I have learnt before taking a position. I will post more of the chart as it plays out. 1 thing I will definitely stress, Dont ever let FOMO rule you. There are always more chances / opportunities.

This would be so much easier for everyone to tune in on a zoom meeting than going through it here however that would be for Andrew (strawman) to agree to that and you would have to make that request with him.


3 months ago

@Saiton and @Strawman I’d tune in.

Right now I can see how those charts make Saiton’s eyes go like his picture … when I cross my eyes and look at my share portfolio is certainly doesn’t become much clearer ;)


3 months ago

Always keen to tap into our members skills @Saiton

I'll DM you to coordinate