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Pinned valuation:

Added 2 months ago

16-May-2024. Not a valuation. A Price Target.

$2.60 was the average of member valuation estimates yesterday, and I'm adding 10% to that because I'm choosing to be a bit more bullish than average. So that's $2.86.

I added them to my SMSF at $2.17 yesterday and they closed at $2.16.

Price Target of $2.86 within 2 years and 4 months, so by September 2026.

Well run company producing quality products that are needed and add a lot of value, solving needs, improving outcomes for patients, now profitable, cashflow positive, growing all important metrics at a good rate.

I believe that becoming profitable is an important inflection point and that PNV's full year report in August is going to underline that to the market, and they just might get a positive re-rate off that.

I can easily look past their flamboyant and outspoken Chairman, who probably does more good than harm to be honest, so I don't have any issues with DW, and what I see, bearing in mind that this company is well outside my circle of competence, is a company that has a lot going for it; it's substantially de-risked - the risks are really only around the rate of growth, and the levels of profitability they can achieve - and over what timeframe.

I think it highly unlikely that some other company is going to invent alternative products that are going to be far superior to PolyNovo's and take away their market - I mean that COULD happen, but it could not happen overnight. Things don't move super-fast in health care - that much I do know. Adoption of new products and procedures takes time, and PNV are getting that traction now - they've been in the market long enough that they are being accepted and their products are being used - and that starts slow but does pick up speed, like a snowball, but it starts slow, and that's a competitive advantage that PNV already have over any new entrant to the market. So - while I don't know much, I think I'll be able to tell if PNV start losing market share to a competitor (or two) in future years.

'Nuff said. My Investment Thesis is neatly summarised in this document: PNV-Macquarie-Australia-Conference---Presentation.PDF [08-May-2024]

2 months ago

In terms of adoption, I think PNV has such a long way to run... I work in public health (Operating theatres) in Victoria (BTM really got started in Adelaide) and I'm only starting to see routine use now... The addressable market is so incredibly massive and it's just getting started.