Forum Topics DRO DRO Bear Case

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Added a month ago

Tues 18.06.2024

Up dated Technical Analysis. New price target 1.15. to 1.23

It bee some time since I have done any analysis on DRO as it blew past my targets and left me confussed as to what rules it was working within. Well turns out it is still working to the same rules I follow, just not applied to daily charts, weekly charts.

Keep in mind it could still climb to 1.64 as its still in the wave 3 zone, however all the indicators are pretty topped out and its due for another draw down into wave 4. At least thats what im going for hence posting it to keep myself accountable. Do as you please with this info. I myself am curious to see if im correct.


4 weeks ago

I would argue that using the chart to predict DRO's share price moves is a fools errand.

Their revenue will dictate price action, a big contract win can literally come out of the blue and send the share price rocketing up.

I would never short a stock like DRO as you are only one big contract win away from being seriously burned.


4 weeks ago

Well the thing is we are all right. The market is made up of chartists, fundamentalists, and the plain old punter. It avtually takes all of those to make a market as well as all of those to make a coherent decision believe it or not. Also what you must remember, is what work for one, doesn’t always work for another. Happy invest


4 weeks ago

@Saiton just went back to look at the actual performance since your prediction on 18/6 … looks like it popped a bit further after the lasted pump (announcement) but does seem to have fallen back … I hope you are wrong on the timing and magnitude of the pull back as I’m waiting until after Monday (new FY) to reduce my holdings. I’m wondering how many others are in that boat and whether that will also put downwards pressure on the share price. If it does, I’m hoping that the Wave 4 will come soon and the price recovers and continues to climb. I need to go back and rewatch your video and Strawman talk to help me have the patience.


4 weeks ago

I agree, think there will be a few waiting to sell Monday, I know I am and someone else mentioned it on here last week. It feels so unproductive to be watching daily share prices, but admit I have been sucked in to watching this one knowing I want to sell a portion in a few days and how volatile it could be. Tactics for Monday could be interesting, I'll be reminding myself not to be greedy.


4 weeks ago

I second that.

It feels "so unproductive to be watching daily share prices" !

It's a slippery slope from trying to maximise the sell price of an overvalued then sitting there thinking, "man, I should be day trading this thing"

I sold 75% of my Droneshield a couple days ago and am doing my best to not even look at it's a long-term hold to see if they can build sales.

Getting dragged into the pros and cons of their technology is the last thing I want to do....I mean, who really knows right, it's unknowable.

Sales over time will decide.


3 weeks ago

$2.00 !

Gee, wish I held on for a bit longer before selling 75% of my holding.

All based on no news....this is crazy...makes me wonder if this thing will go to $4.00....

Mind you, I popped in and had a look at the DRO chat on the other "though shall not be named online stock chat board"......the pumping is talk about the actual company.

Feels like someone's going to get in late and get their fingers burnt.

Droneshield is not Pro Medicus.

I almost wish it would fall off a cliff, but I still have a


3 weeks ago

Dubber 2.0 ?


3 weeks ago


that's exactly what I was thinking.

hope the next set of results got some nice receipts on it....


3 weeks ago

travelling central Australia so may have missed something but… why the Dubber comparison? Is the CFO fleeing OS?


3 weeks ago

Nah. Just the hype and Hotcopper ramping.

Im sure Droneshield have a reasonable underlying business that makes money. There are a number of flags of varying shades of orange but it’s the hype that I was referring to.


2 weeks ago

Phew. Still hold half my original holding so both a winner and a loser here but not keen to lose my remaining holding in a ‘we made up our numbers’ type fiasco.

pretty sure there’s a real business here. Valuation is the question!

a month ago

Trading pause today - will see what for soon


a month ago

@saiton and I man this with respect. If you think it’s working to certain rules which don’t appear to predict the next move and then you simply change the timeframe of your rules aren’t you at risk of falsely assuming it’s working within any charting rules? Genuine question, how do you validate what you’re thinking?


@GazD its the dark science (?) of technical analysis. it's a different world. i spent several months following a chartist's weekly updates, out of interest. every week he would say a SP could go up or down, after analysing ma's, shoulders, heads, bottoms, tops etc etc. then go back and point out his gains (and some losses to be fair). the points that stood out to me (after all this effort was), 1. very high trading frequency, like insane. 2. lots of small losses interspersed with a few mega wins.3. no view on stocks just charts, he mentioned his hit rate was 42% which in my world (insto investing) is a fail. so to be viable there must be extreme skewing in returns for every bet. i wish them all the best, but it is a different world to mine.


4 weeks ago

Thats fine no problem. Im only 8 months into working this method (with a success rate of probably about 80%). Dont think Im traiding all of those move though.

Its very hard to explain this here, however I have followed along with just as much skepticism as you all do to this method im explaining here. Simply put, there are 5 wave to every impulsive move up and within each of those wave there are another 5 wave and so and and so forth. There maybe consilidations or rising wedges or declining wedges or ABC patterns or what every, however there will always be the core 5 waves up.

So if you think about it, the first 5 waves will become evident on the (lets say) 5m chart. If you then pulled out to say the 1d chart it would look more so like just 1 larger wave up as its not showing the detail so much and probably cant see the 5 waves it was made up of. Apply that to all the time frames. Hence when you look at my charts, I have many differnt waves plotted as in, micro waves, minor waves, Primary waves etc. Have a look at all the different levels of wave on Trading View you can chose from. Basically they would be placed on higher time frames as time went along. Remenber too that these arent idea's I came up with, this is all part of a major trading softwares features.


So when The Price action recently blasted out above the day charts I was working on, i thought to myself whats it now working on, (or what. happens then). I looked at the weekly charts and sore visually the same movemwnt there in a much bigger format. I then applied the rules to that and found it was now behaving nicely to that. Thats it.

This is not a told you so moment, however dont you think its strange the last 2 days have seen the big drop they have? why those 2 days? theres no news, so why now. I say because the pro's / algorithms are working with Elliot wave theory. So im following along.

Look I say this nicely as possible, There will be those that think its all full of crap, or there will be the hatters, thats ok. It's working well for me. Take it all with a grain of salt I say. I have to say that I see valuations on strawman all over the place that vary wildly and and i take it all with a grain of salt. As much as we try to put a forward valuation on a company, a CEO could run off with all the money or make a very poor acquisition sending a comany backward fast. We have seen it before. Nothing is fool proof. No 1 way or though or process should be used for trading, that would also be a mistake.

Trading should be made up of many NON-CORRELATED indcators/methods (chartists & Fundamentalist thoughts) to give the trader the highest probability of success. Thats it. :)


4 weeks ago

Yep sound like he was a one sided man. I dont trade very much at all for all the updates I post on charts. I literally only trade 4-5 positions / month. The ups and down i give is just pointing out where it is up too. I only enter when a stock is starting its 3rd primary wave up and that tyrade will last usuallu 6 months or more. Im looking now to find stocks that are starting the 3rd waves up on the weekly charts though as they should last a good yr or so.

I dont know how that guy could concentrate doing so many trades. Dam. Sound like the brokers were the ones winning there


4 weeks ago

@Saiton thank you for the explanation. I respect everybody has a different approach. My interest was in the psychology and conviction side of things and I appreciate your response!

