Forum Topics CAT CAT Bull Case

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Added 8 months ago

Chart Update thurs 11th July 24

Boy, any stocks that are bullish at the moment, you would put in the Very bullish category, Take Drone Shield and Catapult for example. These 2 stock just haven’t retraced back to what are considered historic Fibonacci levels at all.

It looks like we are seeing a really nice impulsive w(i) of w3 up (I like to ses that). As you know my rule for entry is seeing the 1st 1/2, (i)/(ii) up, then enter as its just climbing out of the bottom of w(ii). That said let me put some numbers to that. It should drop back to 1.83 - 1.88 for w(ii) (as long as it stops today at 1.97 ish which it should). See if targets move ahead more than expected, then so too do the retraces they make.


So once I see what I believe to be the bottom of the next retrace down ( that determined by seeing it starting to climb of its bottom) then I will buy here. That should be around the $1.90 price and ill then put an alert for approx 1.80 in case it drops back below my purchase price. If it drops to this alert then I will re evaluate my decision to stay in or not.

Added 8 months ago

@Saiton - love these update. Nothing like a good "impulse wave" to boost your morale! :-)