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Last edited 8 months ago

chart Update 25th July 24

I deleted my last Chart from today as I have changed my position.

This one was too complicatedto describe so click the link to my google drive to see the screen recording. :)


Apparently that one doesn’t work ( ill get better at it)

try this one

Added 8 months ago

It was great seeing these explained in a video. I hope you do more of these!


Added 8 months ago

Thanks @conrad and others. I do feel some degree of pressure though as I dont want to be the cause of anyones losses or misses obviously (I'll take the wins though :) ) , so please form your own decision. I do love analysing the charts however.


Added 8 months ago

@Saiton there is no basis for feeling any pressure. None of what any of us write here can be considered as advice.

The way I think about it, I am just making visible to the community the notes and analysis that - prior to joining Strawman - I kept privately in my own records.

It is one of the rules each Member here has to accept. Should we choose to act on what we read here, then it is on each of us alone. We only have ourselves to blame, and equally, to congratulate (depending on the outcome).

Now that said, knowing that Members might be influenced by what I write, I do try to exercise care and be responsible in everything I write - meaning what I say and saying what I mean.


Added 8 months ago

Let me STRONGLY second that @mikebrisy

Saying "this should not be taken as financial advice" is too often thrown around purely for regulatory arse covering reasons.

Sure, that's something I'm mindful of, but the more important point, as I like to say, is that while you can borrow an idea, you can't borrow the conviction.

Actually, I just finished writing tomorrow's email, in which I said:

Having accountability for one's decisions encourages a more careful and rigorous approach, and it positions you to better internalize the lessons the market has to offer. By taking ownership of your choices, you empower yourself to learn, adapt -- and ultimately succeed.


Added 8 months ago

Hear, Hear @Strawman & @mikebrisy

I tick most posts adhering to this thesis, but also appreciating each & every post on their merits,

so, THANK YOU one and all &

I accept every responibility for my decisions to what I buy & sell



Added 8 months ago

Hi @Saiton I just tried your link & it took me to new tab (Strawman dashboard)

FYI I love your work & all the effort you & everyone else puts in




Added 8 months ago



Added 8 months ago

try the new one i put in the original post


Added 8 months ago

Fascinating @Saiton ... not bad news at all from my perspective.

As a long term holder, I like where you ended up with it potentially "heading back to 5" in the current months.

Thanks for taking the time to explain it all!


Added 8 months ago

yeah it will allow me to try grab the last wave 5 for a short term hold until it drops into the next big wave down. Maybe then I can establish a more longer term position. Try not to look at the time frames to much though, its more about the levels it should hit. I have seen price wiggle forever sideway still to hit my levels eventually. So time doesn’t mean much.


Added 5 months ago

Hi Saiton

How is your chart looking atm?