Forum Topics IIQ IIQ Earlier detection of Parkinson

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Added a month ago

Inoviq announced today that their process to isolate brain-derived exosomes from a blood sample can be used to detect Parkinson's disease. In July they said they had similar success isolating markers for Alzheimers.

The process increases bio-markers by 5 to 8 times when compared with unprocessed blood, which implies diseases might be detected earlier.


a month ago

Its great news. yet 'another shot on goal' quote all the IIQ management.

But when will these shots be taken?!

I'm getting a bit impatient with IIQ. They always seem to have one product about to get into market...and then BAM....another new product is announced that is likely 3-5 years away.

Lets hope David Williams can speed up the commercial develpment of the SubB2M products......


a month ago

I think the interesting thing here is the shift of focus to becoming a platform technology rather than the earlier development of specific tests. David Williams is clearly looking for a buyout or equity stake / licensing collaboration.


These slides from the Investor presentation show recent deals in the same field.

