Forum Topics ALC ALC ASX Announcements

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Added 4 months ago

Once loved, now, love-to-hate SM favourite Alcidion (ALC) announced a contract win to market today.

High level points are as follows:

  • Alcidion has signed a contract with Northern Adelaide Local Health Network (NALHN), a portfolio of the South Australian Department for Health and Wellbeing, for use of its Miya Precision and mobile clinical task management solutions.
  • The deployment of Miya Precision will support real-time patient flow management; command centre operations; secure clinical task management and messaging; and mobile access to realtime data
  • The Total Contract Value (TCV) is $4.5M over a five year period, structured as an initial two-year commitment with rights to extend out to five years.
  • The contract was awarded following a competitive tender process and is Alcidion’s first deployment of Miya Precision into South Australia. 

Yes it's a win.

No it's not going to knock your socks off, but is does help the company inch closer to EDBITA-breakeven for FY2025 which is what they are targeting and have announced.

Still lots of trust to repair here which is likely going to take longer than the coming 12 months unless they knock my pants off with some large-scale contract wins in the NHS - to which this is not...

Takeover target IMO. Market likes today's announcement, up about 7% at time of writing, on lower volume.

Held IRL and here (unfortunately). Probably fairly priced at these levels, which is why I hold, but looking to exit on some better news.

Added 4 months ago

Amen! A win is a win and I will take it ... a few dollars of loss recouped on paper!

Still waiting for that big UK contract/s that will really move the dial.