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Dec 2024
Based on an approximate average of probability of outcomes in thesis post and a EV/NPAT valuation of 8x LTM NPAT.
Overview of Thesis:
Connexion is a small software company providing software to manage courtesy transportation for car dealerships. Currently GM is their main/only customer and is a significant risk to the business, however, this has always been in a way a partnership.
The purchase of Connexion is based on a value play with potential upside for any additional growth. At an EV/NPAT of approximately 5x, Connexion is providing a 20% owners earnings yield. The investment comes with significant risks, therefore, only plan on taking a 20% of full position to begin with and then slowly add over time as conviction is built. A rug pull by GM would end the business, however, given the time and effort already put into the relationship I put this at a very low probability.
Connexion has an active capital management strategy to buy back shares. Without this prudent capital management, I probably wouldn't be buying.
Customer Value Creation:
End customers the dealerships are provided with a courtesy transportation software tool while the OEMs are able to have oversight of aspects of courtesy transportation.
General negatives/Risks:
Probabilities of outcomes:
Valuation based on probability of outcomes = 3.85c:
Investment KPIs:
How I expect this will play out:
When to get out:
Connexion announced today that they are doing an on-market buy back kicking off on the 25/10. This was approved by shareholders a few days ago at their AGM. Which should add a floor to the current SP at around 0.027.
Looks like they are intending to buy-back circa 170,628,991 shares (approx. $4.6 million a current prices). Shares on issue are 849,891,492. So this equates to about a ~20% buy-back of current shares! That's a decent purchase.
According to their most recent Quarterly, they also purchased 33.7m worth of shares between Jul - Sep 2024. Appears they have approximately $5.1m cash on hand at the end of the quarter.
I haven't viewed the meeting with them from last month, but I have been meaning to take a look, today's announcement pushes that up my priority list.
My summary from the meeting was growth and sales tractions still remains slow, while the costs of their solutions are only a tiny fraction of dealerships budgets, their solutions only help with a tiny fraction of dealerships problems and i can't imagine dealerships have much urgency to implement CXZ solutions.
I'm pretty sure I hold a small amount of CXZ in my SM portfolio but none IRL, as of the now there isn't enough growth, I like what Aaryn is doing and the valuation speaks for itself, but IMO given their lack of penetration ex GM it will take a while for their product suite to be filled out and to gain any meaningful sales traction. I think its too early to get a gauge on the returns of their investments and it will take a 1-2 years before we likely know if they are onto something. I will continue to watch closely and hopefully by the time they can gain some meaningful sales traction and momentum Mr Market hasn't caught on.
Another frank and detailed meeting with the CEO, Aaryn.
Seems calm, methodical, across the details, competent, adaptable. Investment background.
Good background on the company. They stumbled into this and ran with it.
While keeping their eye on the ball with GM's retail incentive team, the small unit who are their current primary contacts:
1. Find other decision makers outside of that team in related areas of GM. For example employee vehicle programs. Some success.
2. Other OEM dealership networks. Not yet. This takes time, there are competitor SaaS providers and the OEMs don't all procure in the same way. Some already contract exclusively with the main competitor, some have approved supplier lists that you need to get on. Have got on lists but then figuring out the decision makers takes time.
3. Sell complimentary software direct to existing dealer base. In this way move from being a one OEM company to a 4000 dealer company.
a. The lowest hanging fruit and what we have most clarity on
b. We need to work on integrating with various DMS - dealer management software.
c. Services related to courtesy car, since that's what we're known for (Courtesy shuttle, ride hail, tollway management.)
d. Launched a marketplace in Jan. Steadily increasing sales but not a material income yet.
We're no where near getting into the DMS space but we're playing at the edges.
3 US based sales, plus mgmt make regular sales trips for insight and feedback because it's not easy to keep dealers attention in their busy retail environment. Learning the reality of different dealerships across US, figuring out how to engage, in person or within the software. Data analytics. Locate the bottlenecks.
one Detroit based founder of Onstar (the GM emergency assist service), one runs a VC fund, knows startups (sounding board)
First: Organic growth. No dividends for a while (no tax credits due to history), buybacks as long as suitable. Conservative investment of cash to stay ahead of inflation. M&A considered, 2 investigated but ultimately passed on. Hard to find suitably sized profitable target.
Previously shit, now good. (my words not his)
The potential for a bigger business is there but it would take time. The current business generates cash. They will not fluff the share price, only update when something happens.
Previously announced agreement with undisclosed ride hail partner. Taking longer than they wanted. Details to iron out eg tax.
Share float: 934 million
CXZ brought back 29 million on September 3. 3% of float in one day.
Just tweaking the valuation - Assuming EPS of 0.33 cents per share (current quarterly profit run rate, and a PER of just 10, I come up with a valuation of 3.3 cents...
Firstly, the negatives:
1) One major customer, General Motors Courtesy Transport Program. All the eggs are in one basket here.
2) Average investor relations communication.
1) CXZ has been profitable for many years now, and will report about $3.7 M AUD PBT for 2024 (CXZ has a market cap. of $25M!) .
2) CXZ has been growing revenue over the last 3 quarters at a rate of 15% pa.
3) CXZ share count has been fairly stable. Share count inflation of 3% since 2021.
4) +90% of revenue is subscription based. The GM network is 22% of all US franchised LV dealerships in the US.
5) There is no optionality or growth priced in. So, CXZ drive to expand offerings of it's Connexion platform, and its direct to dealer strategy.
5) Capital management. Management is has implemented strict capital allocation policies as per 2023 AGM presentation, which has allowed them to remain profitable for many years.
Valuation. For the valuation, I am discounting future cashflows by 20% to take account of key customer risk. I am assuming marginal success in expanding its customer base, and product offering to existing customers.
Assuming CXZ achieves $26 M AUD revenue in 2029, and $4.4 M AUD profit, at a PER of 17, I come up with a valuation of 0.031....
Connexion reported FY results and pleasing overall.
ALL the reported numbers are in USD.
I have pasted the key elements of the report below but in summary
FY 2025 Projections (my projections)
Disc: Held on SM and RL
Connexion Mobility released Q4 results Friday 19th July.
Solid quarter to finish the year with no change to the thesis in terms of Connexion mobility being a long term buy and hold.
Difficulty in assessing CXZ is the lack of client transparency to understand the traction they are getting with dealerships or OEM but the revenue does provide a solid guide as the direction.
It is important to point out that this lack of transparency means understanding the customer concentration is not clear but something Aaryn (CEO) is seeking to reduce and something as shareholders we must keep at the back of our mind as a risk.
CXZ have and are placing a high priority when working with dealers and OEM's to build a solution that solves their problem in managing their fleet of cars and associated issues. Ultimately the uptake will be seen in revenue.
High level Results were as follows:
Capital Management strength continues to shine through.
Net cash under Aaryn's leadership has grown from 2.8m in Q4 2022 to 5m in Q4 2024.
Share Buybacks similarly have been used very well to be value for shareholders.
The buyback and retiring of 153million shares since 2022 at a price range of 1c-2.74 (all below current share price of 2.8c) is solid and not something common on the ASX, especially in small cap land (see below)
Looking to the future the best results for Connexion is ahead of them.
It is pleasing to see a CEO take a long term view to build what is necessary to deliver products which are sticky and when scaled will see net profit grow to be 30% plus. How wide can this software be applied time will tell ?
Mission and Vision is clear as noted below :
Finally from a valuation standpoint CXZ @2.8c has MC of 24m AUD.
Converting the key metrics from USD to AUD @ 1.5x
Rev AUD 14.7m
Cash AUD 7.5m
Net Profit 3.9m
Disc Held RL and on SM
Connexion is an interesting little business and one that I probably would never have either, come across or looked twice at if it wasn't for this platform. @TEPCapital (not sure if he is still around) did some really good work on this a year or two ago and then we had a CEO interview last year which was informative. @wtsimis did a good summary of the recent half year results, which have continued into the recent quarterly. The stability of the earnings in this business really are impressive.
The big risk is customer concentration as they are almost entirely dependent on General Motors, and initially this was enough for me to stay clear, but having watched how this dynamic works I am less concerned about this risk, although if anything changes at GM then this would seriously impact CXZ. The GM contract will be up for renewal again next year but this is now a long standing relationship and this will be the 3rd renewal, and I think this is more of a partnership than a dependency type setup. The other reason I have less concern about this risk was the announcement in Jan 23, about how GM would now pay to have the CXZ software rolled out to all of its dealerships where as previously it was the preferred supplier this boosted ARR by US$3m. There is good detail on all this in the straws but I can't see why they would terminate the partnership if they see value in what CXZ is providing which they clearly do. A negative is that they have struggled to penetrate the non-GM dealers.
What I have been impressed with is the management team, they have very clearly articulated hoe they see the priorities of the business and how they are tracking their progress against these. Its worth checking out the quarterlies on how they are measuring return on growth spend and maintainable earnings. It is refreshing to have a CEO that spells out their metrics and holds themselves accountable to these measures. These guys aren't going to burn cash on unproductive ventures or dilute the share base. Management competency and trustworthiness gets a big tick here for me.
The interesting news recently was the launch of a new product. Given that CXZ is generally pretty conservative in the way they release things I thought this announcement was interesting. Basically they have partnered with a Global ride-share company to provide a dealer shuttle service called Connexion OnDemand. Its a pretty clever initiative to remove a cost and hassle from the dealer side and outsource the shuttle service to a third party. The details were light as it will launch next quarter, but the gist I got from listening into the quarterly call was that they are pretty excited about the potential of it.
At the current 2.9c mark I think it is valued at the status quo with minimal growth expectations. This isn't going to spit off free cash for a while as most of the earnings are being put back into the business and product development, which I think is the right decision, if you want a dividend buy a bank. The important thing for me though is that this product investment is coming from cashflow. This is a $3-3.5m NPAT business with a market cap of $26m. The secret sauce here is the competent management.
@Strawman it would be good to get Aaroyn back on for an update later this year.
Since Feb 2023 when Connexion Mobility announced its agreement with General Motors (GM) in the US and following Aaryn Nania appearance on Strawman in the same month i have been impressed with how two key areas of CXZ have evolved :
I will step through why such a view has been formed.
Firstly having held Connexion Mobility from mid 2021 and having monitored the progress via (Quarterly 4C release as well as half yearly and annual results) the risk reward to the upside is more evident today than ever.
Recognising that Connexion Mobility revenue is heavily dependant on GM and due to confidentiality any investment MUST factor this into the risk.
Much of the 7,000 GM dealerships are independent and thus even though GM has an agreement with CXZ it is the dealership discretion to determine the best software. No dealership is obligated to shift to CXZ platform and can make their own decisions on which platform is most suitable in seeking to effectively manage loan car as well test drive systems.
As an investor what is appealing about this model is the incentive for CXZ to develop and show the merits of their system is their for them to show. Failure to do this well will not only led to poor uptake but ultimately loss of contract longer term.
CXZ led by Aaryn recognise this and have not only invested into product development and resources but taking a considered approach to ensure the product is meeting the needs and is of great value.
Results over the past year 2023 and expectations for 2024 and beyond
Hard to fault with positive CF , earnings and NPAT and in doing this reinvestment back into the business to drive improved sales and margins.
Back to my two original points re the Culture and Capital allocation in which CXZ have done very well.
Culture of Organisation
Over the past year CXZ have recruited in a manner which is prudent and in line with revenues rising which has ensured financially profitability is still in check but at the same time place the appropriate resources on the sales and product focus to grow the number of GM dealers whom seek to convert to the platform. This is unfolding and expect this investment to deliver meaningful lift to revenue and profitability going forward.
Second Half 2023 Management brought in metrics to align and improve the accountability of the team. The two metrics which are key to future are,
If the previous guidance by Aaryn and the leadership team on focus on gross profit is anything to go by whereby in Q23 2022 GP was 605k and by Q2 2024 this increased to $3.83m the evolution of these two metrics provide optimism on the customer penetration that may be achieved and thus improved financial results that will flow.
Below is a extract from October 16th 2023 press release re both definitions and the link to management LTIP.
In respect to Capital Allocation i am very positive of the actions taken by Aaryn. His finance background as Co - Founder and Chief Investment officer at Lucerne Investment Partners is no doubt proving to be a real strength for the organisation. Below data speaks for itself.
From a valuation standpoint i will complete an update but support the 3.2c listed last year.
Disc : Held on SM and RL
CXZ H1 2024 Interim-Report-Highlights.pdf
CXZ Feb 9th 24 -Half-Yearly-Report-and-Accounts.pdf
CXZ GM Agreement 2023 Market-Update.pdf
Pricing - Connected Car Software Development - Leaders in Smart Car Technologies (
Debt / equity ok.
Return (inc div) 1yr: 109.09% 3yr: -5.20% pa 5yr: 35.69% pa
The fully connected solution for Dealer Groups & OEMs looking to deliver consistent & efficient fleet programs across a network of dealership locations.
Continue to like the progress Connexion is making in its business performance.
Leadership is conservative and capital allocation skills are solid.
Looking forward I have modelled what presents realistic outcomes when considering the current business performance.
As of June Qrt 2023 (which were released today)
Revenue USD was $2.3m
Gross Profit 83% $1.91m
Net Profit Before Tax 56.5% to $1.3m
Market Cap 20.8m
Annualising the June Qrt 2023 numbers and applying a 1.48 exchange brings revenue to 13.58m, GP 11.3m and NPBT 7.69m.
Current multiple based on NPBT is x 3 or x 1.53 sales.
Fast forward 5 years to 2028 and assuming the following
5% Revenue growth per quarter to $33.68m
GP 80% to $21.55m
NPBT 50% $16.81m
Share dilution of 3% per year to 1,021,000 SOI by 2028.
Discounted back 10% per year
Applying x3 multiple to NPBT = 50.43m
Disc: Held and Sold at 2c
On watch list
As @TEPCapital outlined another solid quarter for connexion.
Alot to like in terms of business performance and execution.
Reading into the results its fair to say Connexxion Telematics led by Aaryn Nania are conservative in terms of guidance and outlook.
This should not be mistaken however on the direction the business is heading and disciplined approach in execution.
CXZ focus on Gross profit as outlined at AGM is occurring with gross profit growing form 500k in Q2 2021 to 891k in last quarter.
This focus on gross profit is all about the long game in terms of growing the 'priority on deepening and expanding the current customer relationships'.
The customer focus and investment is best seen in the recruitment of customer success managers across the US in the past several weeks . This has enhanced customer engagement with dealerships and will yield results over from 2024 and beyond.
Tollaid which is a CXZ toll management solution allows dealerships to improve operational efficiency, cost recovery, and customer experience has signed various dealerships in the free trial stage with the expectation of conversion to a paid service to come through in 2023.
Capital Management
From a valuation standpoint with revenue at 4.5m- 5.5mil in 2023 and net profit before tax of approx 400-600k in 2023 CXZ is trading at 10x net profit before tax and 2x sales.
With clear leadership alignment and a disciplined approach to operations and good capital management connexion telematics presents as good value for the patient long term investor
Thanks TEP and great summary in analysing such a small company and if the challenges with chips are subsiding goes well for the next 1-3yrs .
Connexion is now a play which providing much upside and limited down along the lines of SGI . Why?
Team have developed many ways to win (see below)
This positive aspect to these elements is that CXZ don't need to win on all fronts to drive great results but if they are able to improve over time across one or more at the gross margins of 75% this will transpire to healthy returns.
The reference and focus on the long game ie building out / deepening relationships with customers to meet their needs and adding products over time presents real appeal and will show up over time.
Management also aren't selling the TAM and aggressively selling the opportunities that lie ahead.
Finally the capital management and employee retention strategy is worth a mention
From a capital perspective currently working through a 20% on market share repurchase . Small holding under $500 are being repurchased . SP have fallen to 1c from under 2c over the past year so a good long term use of capital.
Secondly in terms of the building a retention strategy as the business looks to build teams, awarding shares which vest essentially 6yrs after commencement with the assumption that the share price is higher than it is at the time the team start is also good alignment with shareholders.
Stock to watch that's for sure
Holder in RL