Company Report
Last edited 2 years ago
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#Q4 and FY23 Performance Update
Last edited 2 years ago

For those who want to hear it straight out of the horses mouth there is a recording and transcript posted on Capital IQ Pro if you have an account



I can't find it anywhere else (ie: factset etc) so this must be an exclusive service.

Might listen to it later and perhaps provide feedback when I have a chance.

Added 2 years ago

I've noticed there have been no 4Cs or quarterly cashflow reports and I understand this is a NZ listed entity. Is this normal for a NZ listed entities with negative cashflows not to release cashflow statements quarterly in contrast to ASX listed entities?

Or have they strung 4 quarters of positive cashflow in the past and somehow got into negative territory recently?

Not trying to be negative, just an observation.