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Last edited 3 months ago

Snapshots of Phase 3 progress of Trofinetide for Retts syndrome

Took nearly 3 years for Phase 3 trial to finally complete (Oct 2019 - Feb 2022)

Have done this to understand the timeframe for Phase 3 trials given I'm holding a couple of bios currently undergoing phase 3 at the moment.

24 Feb 2023


25 Feb 2022


24 feb 2021


6 apr 2020


Oct 2019


Phase 3 commencement announcement 31 Oct 2019



Added 4 months ago

ACAD dropping on news of ending their drug trials of antipsychotic drug, pimavanserin, for schizophrenia

Although not directly related to NEU, maybe the news is feeding the fear that Arcadia could struggle financially since this was their main product and perhaps impact milestone payments of Daybue.

I haven't looked in the Arcadia financials to confirm any difficulties. But I doubt this will have any impact.


Added 7 months ago

Bell potter has a hold on Neuren. Note this was before the trading halt before the SP rocket on 6 dec.

Given BP track record, maybe it is safe to say to ignore these recommendations but use their research to form your own thesis.


#Bear Case
Added 7 months ago

Don't want to dampen expectations, but I have a bad feeling about this trading halt

Trading halts are not usually used when results are overwhelmingly positive

Some examples where trading halts were not used for positive clinical results/approvals include:

Clarity Pharmaceuticals and the SeCURE PH2 trial update for Cohort 2 (29/11/2023   SECuRE theranostic prostate cancer trial progresses)

Telix Pharmaceuticals Receives TGA approval (02/11/2021   Australian TGA Approves Illuccix for Prostate Cancer Imaging )

Cyclopharm (02/10/2023   Cyclopharm Receives USFDA Approval for Technegas)

On the other hand for trading halts when negative news were received

Rhythm Biosciences - TGA resubmission (01/03/2023   Trading Halt , 06/03/2023   Update to TGA Submission )

Botanix - (26/09/2023   FDA Letter Requires Patient Instruction Update , 25/09/2023   Trading Halt $)

There's probably more, but these are the ones I'm tracking since I have held or held previously

Cross fingers and hope for the best on the Phase II trial results. Try not to have any expectations.
