So Pentanet has finally moved to start trying to nudge its users into paid subscriptions for GeforceNow. (See @laoshi's straw) After a year in service they have reached “nearly a quarter of a million gamers”. The number wasn't given this time unlike other announcements.
After pretty lack luster revenue figures for the service announced in the annual report, it will be telling to see if the new tiers can improve the numbers.
Gaming revenue for H2FY22 was $300k, if you take 6 months of full membership ($120) this gives around 2500 paying users. Total user count at the start of the half was 58,000. This then comes out at an estimate of ~ 4% paying users which is flawed as it assumes no additional users started paying for the service during the half, so the number is likely lower. So where to from here?
The price point of the new plans is actually quite reasonable. With the array of streaming services available to people these days, another $20 / month is a solid hit, whereas $4 is much more easy to justify and squarely targeted at someone like myself who doesn’t have time to game much anymore so doesn’t own a gaming rig but still would like to give some of the new titles a go.
What I see that may impact conversions, is the free tier is still available and not limited after a trial period or if they are successful at moving people onto the $4 plan, but then the wait times become significant again and it then forces people off the service rather than up the subscription tiers to skip the wait times.
Given the new pricing has started right at the end of the quarter, there should be a clean set of numbers coming up for Q2 to identify the success of the new subscription tiers.