02-Jun-2020: AMI was up a whopping +23.94% today (from 35.5c to 44cps) on the back of this Quarter-To-Date Production Report
The main driver of that move was this key point: "Aurelia on track for a significantly improved quarter-on-quarter production result."
It pays to keep in mind however that at 44c, Aurelia Metals (AMI) are only now back within that 40c to 50c channel that they've spent most of the past 12 months in, and they're still below their 90c levels in January 2019 - it's been mostly downhill since then, with the odd relief-rally (like today).
I don't hold AMI shares. They produce some gold, but they also produce copper, lead and zinc, and I think they lost their way last year. I held them in 2018 (and made money), but haven't been following them closely since early 2019 after I sold out, having lost faith in their management for various reasons. I see better opportunities elsewhere. Big move today however!