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#Acquisition/Capital Raising Hi
Added 3 months ago

Airtasker Acquisitions

·      May 2022 Acquires Australia 3rd largest local services platform Oneflare. A$9.8m. Oneflare will strengthen marketplace network effects, offering more job opportunities to Service Pros (including both independent Taskers and verified businesses) whilst providing customers with access to a greater range of services, skills and faster response times.

·      May 2021 Acquires US local service marketplace Zaarly ~$3.4m. The acquisition of Zaarly provides Airtasker with more than 597,000 registered users (Customers) and 900+ verified service providers (Taskers) to jump start expansion in the US.

Capital Raises

·      May 2022Raised $6.25m fully underwitten placement at an issue price of $0.43 per share.

·      May 2021 Raised $20.7m via a fully underwritten share placement to insititutional, sophisticated and professional investors at $1.00 per share.

·      IPO March 2021 at $0.65 Raising  $83.7m

Added 3 years ago

Online Marketplaces Australia

  • Hipages (ASX: HPG) - Local service in building trades
  • Freelancer (ASX: FLN)
  • Oneflare (Private) - Local services
  • ServiceSeeking (Private)

Online Marketplace USA

  • Angi Home Services (Nasdaq: ANGI) USA
  • Fiverr (Nasdaq FVRR)
  • Mechanical Turk (Owned by Amazon)
  • Pro Referral (previously Red Beacon - USA Private owned by Home Depot)
  • TaskRabbit (Private USA - owned by IKEA in 2017)
  • Tumbtack (Private USA)
  • Upwork (NYSE: UPWK Global)

Online Marketplace UK

  • PeoplePerhour (Private)
  • Rated People (Private)

Added 3 years ago
  • Once a customer and a Tasker Connect there's nothing stopping them from exchanging phone numbers and not going though the platform for repeat tasks
  • Data breaches and other data security incidents - Airtasker and its suppliers collect data and other confidential information from Airtasker’s users and store that data electronically
  • New technologies
  • Changes to laws and regulations
  • Use of Airtasker’s marketplace
  • Competition

Added 3 years ago

#Business Model/Strategy
Added 3 years ago

Airtasker is Australia’s leading online marketplace for local services, connecting people and businesses who need work done (Customers) with people and businesses who want to work (Taskers). Airtasker delivers a simple ecommerce experience for Customers to buy local services and creates flexible working opportunities and income for Taskers. Service industries currently facilitated by the Airtasker marketplace include everyday tasks such as handyman jobs, domestic cleaning and business administration, through to more complex work including architectural design, tax consultancy and legal advice, and many service industries in between. 

Airtasker operates in the online labour marketplace industry for local services. Online marketplaces for local services such as Airtasker allow customers to easily search for relevant independent workers and provide independent workers with access to a wide base of potential customers.