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Added a month ago

Some talk about the Woodsmith mine owned by Anglo American

In summary, the MoM crew are dishing dirt on the project. Essentially a Polyhalite project deep underground beneath an AONB (Area of Outstanding Beauty).

MoM thinks that Polyhalite is a unproven mineral for increasing crop yields and that farmers need more convincing before using the product. Polyhalite is similar to Potash except it also has additional minerals such as Magnesium.

Curiously, there is one company ICL that disproves that MoM theory, who are seeing demand starting to skyrocket.

Boubly hits record sales

So take the video with a grain of salt. Possible there is an emerging market, even if the Polyhalite is deep underground at Woodsmith.

#Anzac Day and Kokoda
Added 2 months ago

It is of course Anzac day tomorrow. Our Prime Minister is in PNG on the Kokoda Track to commemorate the brave deeds of the Australian troops. (BHP selected as a header since it is most representative company of Australia, for better or worse I can think of)

I thought Strawman members might be interested a first-hand account from an Australian soldier who was on the Kokoda track fighting in 1942.

The author of the following account was Ray Gibson, a volunteer private in the AIF who towards the end of his life took it upon himself to visit schools and tell kids of his experiences during WW2.   Ray hated war, but believed the young people need to know and understand the sacrifices he and his comrades had made.  

In 2012 he gave a talk at his old school, Kulnura Public school, and fortunately someone recorded what he had to say.  Makes fascinating reading as he tells of his first encounter with the advancing Japanese army. He gives a near unbelievable first-hand account of how the Australian troops finally stopped the Japanese advance.

At this point in the story Ray’s unit had been hurried back from the Middle East along with the rest of the AIF and deployed to New Guinea to block the Japanese advance along the Kokoda track. 

What follows is Ray’s story in his own words:


The platoon I was assigned to when I joined the 2/33 battalion was 13 platoon. I was assigned back to the same platoon even if I left the battalion on leave or because of sickness. I ended up as a sergeant of the platoon in Borneo. (Later in the war)

We moved as quickly as possible down a very muddy track made worse by the use of mules and horses carrying supplies and ammunition to Uberi Village from Mc Donalds corner.

The compliment of our battalion going into this action was 29 Officers and 550 other ranks. We were assigned 90 Fuzzy Wuzzy angels to forward food and ammunition and to carry out any wounded.

All badges of rank were to be removed and for the first time ever all troops were to be spoken to by their first name. No Sir for an officer or corporal or sergeant.  We were soon to learn the Japanese would use and call out a NCO’s rank and expecting an answer. If anyone was forthcoming that person could be shot because he gave his whereabouts to the enemy.

 A shock announcement by our CO was that we were not to stop and help a wounded mate. This was foreign to all Australian troops. You always helped you mate if he was in trouble, no matter what.

Many times trying to get one’s mate out of a sniper line of fire meant you yourself could be hit. Still mates helped mates.

Soon, because of the humidity our new green clothes were streaky. The sweat from our bodies soon had the green dye being washed out of our shirts and trousers. After a long walk through the mud and halfway up our legs were arrived at Uberi Village. It was now the staging camp for the wounded and stretcher cases being brought out by the Fuzzy Wuzzies to get medical treatment before going into hospital at Mc Donalds corner or Port Moresby.  

The Salvation Army was also stationed there to give troops either a cup of coffee or tea and a biscuit.

This point was the start of the so-called Golden Pathway, a long steep treacherous climb. As darkness befell us we were just starting to move up the so-called pathway. One took one step forward and slipped back two. One groaned and moaned sopping wet through from sweat and heavy rain. You sat down more times then you could stand.

Mostly you were crawling on your hands and knees. Trying to carry a Bren Gun you felt like crying. Not much one could do. Our Brigadier was pushing us knowing full well the situation. More troops were needed in forward position.

The Japanese advance was gaining momentum day-by-day.  At about 10pm we were told to move off the track and sleep as you could. There was no way. Soaking wet through. Rifle shots going off all round us, and we not knowing who was firing them.

The jungle lit up like a city, fireflies and phosphorus on the trees shone brightly. For the rest of the night I lay alongside a rotting log. I put my steel helmet on my head thinking: OK if a stray bullet should come my way it may save me.  Before day break we were on the move. I wondered how one’s body would ble able to cope and fight back an enemy with superior numbers and with much better armaments then we had.

We were given all sorts of information as our wounded were returning down the track as we moved forward. We eventually arrived at the top of Imita Ridge only to find we had to walk as far down again to the river below. Walking downhill was as stressful as walking up. Trying to get one’s boots out of the mud to take another step nearly broke your back.

We camped here for the night, once again wet through due to sweat and rain pouring down. I know I lay in a pool of water all night. No sleep and up next morning shivering. After what we had already suffered my thoughts turned back to what mum used to say to us children about coming out of the rain or we’d catch a cold or some other complaint. Tonight had been quieter. I think a lot of our chaps were trigger happy the night before.

We had heard so many horror stories about what the Japs could or would do at night. Most of this information was coming from the walking wounded.

Again we were climbing another 4,000 ft up the top of Ioribaiwa Ridge and on to meet the remnants of 21 Brigade as Menari. Each of our companies was soon patrolling in an attempt to find a way to the rear of the Japanese positions.

Our Don company ran into trouble in their situation and were losing men killed or wounded. They fell upon Japanese in a kunai patch where the inhabitants of Menari Village once grew their yams and vegetables. The Japanese had a better view of our chaps and opened fire before our boys could go for cover. After returning from the Middle East we were given a lot of jungle training, now knowing more about the Japanese tactics in jungle warfare.

Our attempts to infiltrate behind the Japanese positions was thwarted by thick jungle and a rocky crag. After trying for most of the day our company commander, who was in contact with our Battalion CO, was told to return to a bivouac area and await further instructions. We lost one officer killed when the Japanese fired a shell from one of its mountain guns and it landed in our area. A piece of shell hit him. At this time Brigadier Eather sought permission form general headquarters in Port Morsbey to withdraw his battalion, the 1/25th, 2/31 and 2/33 back to Imita Ridge where he could deploy the whole brigade along the top of this feature.

 Hopefully we could have our companies in such depth to prevent the Japanese infiltrating to our rear. The topography of the ridge gave out troops a better chance of stopping any further advance of the enemy. Headquarters inn Port Moresby gave instruction, or should I say orders, to our Brigadier there should be no further withdrawals, saying: “you must fight until the last man falls”.

That afternoon the CO of the 2/33 battalion was given orders to prepare an ambush and be ready for further attach by the Japanese. This ambush was on the downward side of the ridge. Instructions were given none of our troops was to open fire until our company commander fired the first shot.

Nothing happened that night. We expected them to attack, but they didn’t. Next morning at 6:40am down the track came 60 Japanese let by an officer carrying a sword at the ready. He was shot by our company commander, then all hell broke loose. Not one Japanese escaped the ambush. None of our men was killed or wounded, so successful was the ambush.

The way they walked down the track they must have thought the Australians had withdrawn once again. This ambush was the closest the Japanese ever got to Port Morsby down the Kokoda track. 

I will close the story there. 

Australians did not know it at the time, but they could breath a sigh of relief. It was a small encounter in the scheme of WW2, but never-the-less a real turning point for Australia.   The Japanese had been stopped.  

By way of background Ray was, apart from 5 years in the army, all his life a successful orchardist on Mangrove Mountain, north west of Sydney.  He was very community minded, serving on many local boards, growers organisations at a State and Federal level and was for many years Chairman of the local citrus growers co-operative. He had two daughters, who survive him and many grandchildren. Ray passed away in 2016 at the age of 94.  Most of all he was a very unassuming nice sort of bloke, but with a steel to him that even as a small kid you had a strong sense he was not a fellow to be messed with.  

Australians are very lucky to have men like old Mr Gibson, very lucky indeed. 

#Battery Minerals
Added 6 months ago

a good read , ni and battery minerals at a low? Now could be the time to invest / buy.

Long term view remains the same for me and battery minerals will be important to transition us to a greener world.

A good strategy and time is needed.

#Henry Responds to Dick Move
Last edited 10 months ago

23-Aug-2023: BHP's Henry responds to Dick move (

BHP chief Mike Henry says it will steer clear of new investment in Queensland after Treasurer Cameron Dick threatened to cancel leases (

BHP's response to Queensland lease questions (

Queensland asks BHP to invest in state or risk licence cancellation (

From the AFR article (link above - 2nd one from top):

BHP to steer clear of new investment in Queensland

BHP chief executive Mike Henry said the global miner would not make any new greenfield investment in Queensland after the state’s controversial new coal royalty regime made it too risky to invest.

While Treasurer Cameron Dick has threatened to cancel BHP’s mining leases in Queensland unless it continued to invest in the state, the BHP boss acknowledged the company would continue to expand its existing operations to take advantage of strong metallurgical coal prices.


Queensland Treasurer Cameron Dick said mining leases would be cancelled if not used. Photo credit: Jamila Toderas

The Labor government and the mining giant have been locked in a war of words since Mr Dick blindsided the resources sector when he introduced three new tiers of coal royalties in July last year.

BHP is in the process of selling two of its Queensland mines, Daunia and Blackwater, but has kept its most valuable coking coal mines, including Goonyella, Riverside, Peak Downs and Saraji.

Mr Henry said the challenge remained that Queensland’s royalty regime, which required BHP to pay another $700 million last financial year, made other states or countries a better investment destination.

“I don’t think we are saying anything particularly controversial; lower returns, higher risk means other investments become more attractive,” he said after BHP released its results on Tuesday.

“The only thing I would note is we are continuing to invest in these Queensland businesses. BMA [BHP Mitsubishi Alliance] is investing over a billion dollars a year in keeping these operations going because we do see the business as attractive.”

In its statement to the ASX, BHP said the coal royalty hikes had negatively impacted the “investment economics” of Queensland and increased sovereign risk.

“We will not be investing in any further growth in Queensland; however, we will sustain and optimise our existing operations,” it said.

Mr Dick continued his attack on the global miner on Tuesday, saying the Palaszczuk government would follow through with its threat if BHP did not complete its promised investments in Queensland.

He said BHP’s bumper profit of $13.4 billion showed the company had the resources to deliver on its mining leases.

“For all the complaints about progressive coal royalties, for coal, BHP’s underlying return on capital employed came in at a very healthy 47 per cent,” Mr Dick told state parliament.


Queensland coal royalties delivered $15 billion into state coffers last financial year. Photo credit: Glenn Hunt

“The strength of BHP’s balance sheet and the impending windfall it will make from selling the Daunia and Blackwater mines shows just what BHP can achieve when it focuses on its core business.”

Mr Dick said BHP even acknowledged the new royalty regime may push up prices, which means more profits in the future.

But he warned that the Labor government expected big miners to follow through on promised investments or they could face financial penalties or have their leases cancelled.

“We want those companies to properly develop the leases that they have been granted by the people of Queensland. If they fail to do so without legitimate commercial reason, our government has the power to act,” Mr Dick said.

The new system introduces three tiers: a royalty rate of 20 per cent for prices above $175 a tonne, 30 per cent for prices above $225 a tonne and 40 per cent for prices above $300 a tonne.

The new tiers gave Queensland the highest-taxing royalty rate in the world and delivered a staggering $15 billion in coal royalties last financial year.

Queensland Resources Council chief executive Ian Macfarlane, who has vowed to fight the state’s coal royalty regime up to next year’s election, said Mr Dick’s latest threat to cancel BHP’s leases would further shake investor confidence in the state.

“We shouldn’t take for granted that Queensland will always have a strong resources sector to rely on if policies are introduced which make us less competitive and less attractive to investors,” Mr Macfarlane said.

“All Queenslanders will lose out if resources companies move their focus to mining projects in other states and countries because of growing uncertainty about the Queensland government’s attitude towards the mining sector.”

--- end of excerpt ---

Further Reading: BHP looks past China’s property woes to mining’s brave new world (

Disclosure: I do not currently hold any BHP shares, however I do hold South32 (S32) shares IRL and they own the Cannington Silver/Lead/Zinc mine in Queensland. Interesting that the Qld Government chose to have a barney with BHP and not S32 (which was spun out of BHP a few years ago). However, this is all about coal, and BHP are still into coal, whereas S32 is moving away from coal and have already divested all of their thermal coal assets. The only coal that S32 have now is the Illawarra Metallurgical Coal mine in NSW, and the NSW Government has a far more collaborative approach to mining and mining investment than the combative approach that Queensland appears to be taking, particularly on coal.

#Q4/FY22 Report
Added 2 years ago

19-July-2022: BHP-Quarterly-Activities-Report-Q4-FY22.PDF

Commentary: Strong BHP performance undermined by Qld coal royalties - Australian Mining

Plain text link:

Strong BHP performance undermined by Qld coal royalties

July 19th, 2022. By Ray Chan,


BHP's Olympic Dam operation in South Australia.

A strong fourth quarter has capped off a year of significant progress for BHP, with iron ore leading the way, generating record sales volumes for the 2021–22 financial period.

BHP sold 284 million tonnes of iron ore across the 12 months, as South Flank’s ramp-up to full production capacity (80mt per annum) tracks ahead of schedule.

An average rate of 67mtpa was achieved at South Flank in the June 2022 quarter, contributing to record production from the Mining Area C (MAC) hub and record lump sales.

BHP produced 253mt of iron ore in FY22, with the Western Australia Iron Ore (WAIO) operations making up 249Mt of that and Samarco the remaining 4mt, in line with BHP’s iron ore production from the 2020–21 financial year.

The company said the performance had been underpinned by safe, reliable operations and firm demand for its commodities.

Chief Executive Officer Mike Henry said the year was once again fatality-free and BHP continued to improve safety issues, which included addressing sexual assault and harassment, racism and bullying. 

“We delivered record full-year sales volumes at our iron ore business in Western Australia as a result of reliable operational performance and the South Flank project,” he said.

“In copper, Escondida in Chile had record material mined and near-record concentrator throughput, while Olympic Dam in South Australia performed strongly in the fourth quarter after planned smelter maintenance.”

Henry said Queensland metallurgical coal delivered strong underlying performance for the quarter in the face of significant wet weather.

As well, BHP is assessing the impacts on BMA economic reserves and mine lives as a result of the increase in coal royalties by the Queensland Government.

“The near tripling of top end royalties has worsened what was already one of the world’s highest coal royalty regimes, threatening investment and jobs in the state,” he said. 

“Also during the year, we merged our petroleum business with Woodside, completed the sales of BMC and Cerrejón, and decided to retain New South Wales Energy Coal until the cessation of mining in 2030 subject to relevant approvals.

“We also unified our corporate structure, and added to our global options in copper and nickel. 

“Broader market volatility continues and we expect the lag effect of inflationary pressures to continue through the 2023 financial year, along with labour market tightness and supply chain constraints.

“Over the year ahead, China is expected to contribute positively to growth as stimulus policies take effect, however, the continuing conflict in the Ukraine, the unfolding energy crisis in Europe and policy tightening globally is expected to result in an overall slowing of global growth. Our strong focus on safety, operational reliability, cost control and social value will help us navigate these challenges and continue to deliver for all of our stakeholders.”

--- ends ---


About Ray Chan

Editor of industrial titles and mastheads with Prime Creative Media. Publications include Rail Express and Australian Mining (web content). View all posts by Ray Chan →


Disclosure: From Bear77: I don't currently hold BHP shares, although I do sometimes hold them. I currently prefer FMG for iron ore exposure and S32 (which was spun out of BHP) for base metals and silver exposure.

Added 2 years ago

Increase in QLD coal mine royalties could be a risk for BHP as they have met coal assets in Bowen Basin.


#BHP trades ex Woodside today
Last edited 2 years ago

Following approval of the BHP merger of its oil and gas assets with Woodside, BHP will trade ex the in-specie Woodside share dividend today (25/05/22) - ASX Announcement

Has anyone seen any calculations that determine what this means for the BHP share price today? I haven’t, so this is my opinion only (see the disclaimer below).

I expect there will be a lot of confusion about the BHP share price today and there is a possibility of some arbitrage on yesterday’s closing prices.

According to the announcement “Eligible BHP shareholders will receive one newly issued Woodside share for every 5.5340 BHP shares they hold at the close of business on 26 May 2022 (Record Date)”.

“The in specie dividend is scheduled to be paid on 1 June 2022 and will be fully franked”.

So, what should BHP trade at today based on yesterdays BHP and WPL close price?

Yesterday, 5.534 BHP shares included 1 WPL share = (5.534 x $47.80) Value = $264.53

The included imputation credit for 5.534 BHP shares (if applicable to you) = $28.99 x 30% = $8.70

Today, 5.5544 BHP shares do not include 1 WPL share = $264.53 - $28.99 = $235.54, or $42.56 per share.

If the imputation credit is also considered and discounted = $235.54 - $8.70 = $226.84 or $41 per share.

Based on these calculations BHP could trade as low as $41 today and you should be no worse off than yesterday’s close of $47.80 (If the franking credits apply to you in full). This does not consider any other market related influences on the price of BHP shares.

Disclaimer: This is my opinion only. I am not a financial advisor and this information can not be relied upon for accuracy. This information should not be used in any form to make financial decisions. I own BHP shares.

#The Big Short…a Big Mistake?
Last edited 2 years ago

Is it possible that the biggest short in the history of BHP was a big mistake? In hindsight it certainly seems that way?

On the 28 January BHP was the most shorted stock on the ASX with a whopping 17.63% of shares shorted. The shorts spiked by an incredible 7.18% in just one day on the 28 January 2022 ( Why?


Stephen Bartholomeusz explained why BHP was sold short prior to the unification (The Sydney Morning Herald, 19/01/2022).

‘For most of the two decades since the formation of the dual-listed structure (although not always) the Plc shares have traded at a material discount to Ltd’s, generally in the mid-teens although it has been as much as 20 per cent.’

Following the LSE delisting a Plc share had exactly the same rights and entitlements to earnings and dividends as a Ltd share – providing a windfall to Plc shareholders as the historic discount is wiped out by unification.

That largely happened early on. From the moment unification was announced Ltd shares have fallen and Plc shares risen.

What was a Plc discount of 21 per cent immediately ahead of the unification announcement has been closed to less than 3 per cent as arbitrageurs sold BHP shares short and bought Plc shares that they will use to cover their positions, at tidy profits, once the unification is complete.

Ltd shares have fallen about 10 per cent and Plc shares have risen about 3 per cent since the corporate restructure was announced.

BHP’s independent expert, Grant Samuel thought there could be as many as 450 million shares sold as British and other foreign shareholders exit the register.

Against that, BHP’s weighting in the ASX has increased materially, from about 6.2 per cent to about 10 per cent. Australian index investors and those funds benchmarked against the ASX indices have been be buyers.

Now the register has settled, the unified BHP is trading on its performance and prospects. Unification has had no material impact on either.

What happened on the 28 January?

The BHP Plc Scheme (Unification) became effective on 28 January 2022. Plc Shareholders (BHP shares listed on the LSE) received one New Limited Share for each Plc Share they held. 

Despite the 7.18% jump in short positions on the 28 January coinciding with the unification, the BHP share price increased by 2.7% to $46.92. It would seem the impact of short activity on the 28 January was outweighed by a BHP buying spree.

Normal trading in New Limited Shares on the ASX as a result of the unification under the ticker “BHP” commenced on 2 February 2022. The BHP share price closed at $45.64, again it was up on the previous day.

After 3 days of normal trading (Friday, 4th Feb 2022) the BHP share price closed at $46.81. There were still no signs of a collapse in the share price as a result of the unification. Why?

In my view the 21% discrepancy between the BHP Plc share price (LSE) and the BHP LTD (ASX) immediately prior to the unification announcement share price has already closed. Funds were quick off the mark in discovering there were huge profits (20% in fact) to be made by selling down BHP Ltd shares and buying BHP Plc shares.

This all happened very quickly after the announcement. In less than a week after the announcement the BHP Ltd share price had dropped from $52.81 to $44.46.

What happen with the Short Positions?

The unification of BHP did not collapse the share price as shorters were hoping for and this did not provide the opportunity to close positions at a profit.

Then on the 15 February BHP released an incredible 1H22 result with NPAT up 144% pcp.

Iron ore prices are trending up again and the future prospects are looking good.

The BHP share price is now climbing toward $50.

Since the unification of BHP Shorters have been scrambling to close positions, now almost non existent (0.56% on the 11 Feb).


To some extent I think shorters have helped to drive up the share price! Ouch, that must have hurt! :)

So in hindsight was the Big BHP Short just one Big Mistake?

#BHP short positions
Last edited 2 years ago

Has anyone noticed this ?:

Big spike up in BHP shorts?

I'm guessing it's the sudden addition of LSE shorters to the local market, any insights out there ?

My rule of thumb is that if shorts get over about 7% you need to have a deeply nuanced understanding if the bear case. BHP is pretty straightforward, but still ....

#Covid-19 in WA
Added 2 years ago

1:24pm, 01-Feb-2022: There have been some isolated cases of Covid-19 in WA's mining industry, and BHP is one of the companies that has been affected.

COVID cases isolate dozens of WA mine staff - Australian Mining

At this stage, the management of all of the affected mines are saying there have been no material impacts to production. It does however feed into the skilled worker shortage that WA is experiencing. There are now even ads on Adelaide buses spruiking WA as a place with PLENTY of work, so worth considering a move over there. Seems out of step with their refusal to open their border and allow people in though.

I'm thinking that these conditions are very positive for a company like Mader Group (ASX: MAD) as long as they can keep their own workers Covid-free. Mader provide fitters and other skilled workers - especially heavy duty mobile and fixed plant mechanics - to various industries, but the mining industry is their bread and butter, with earth-moving/construction also providing MAD with plenty of work. My brother is one of those (HD plant mechanic) and he's working at S32's Worsley Alumina refinery (which was majority owned by BHP before the South32 spin-out/demerger). He doesn't work for Mader - he works for another labour hire company that also provides workers to the mining and minerals processing industries. Those labour hire companies are doing very well at the moment, especially in WA, and remember that WA only has a small fraction of people with Covid-19 compared to the eastern states and SA. If the Covid problem gets worse there, I reckon the labour hire companies are only going to get busier. They already have rising metals/materials prices as a tailwind, which is resulting in further activity in the sectors they operate in. I think Mader provides the purest exposure to that and I do hold Mader shares, and S32 shares - but not BHP at this point.



#Expectations on Iron Ore Price
Added 2 years ago

From today's Advertiser

Australian iron ore production is expected to have another strong year of growth, but brokers are urging caution on the price outlook due to high inventories and a trio of significant events looming in China.

The spot iron ore price is currently sitting just below $US130 per tonne, however consensus estimates are for that to moderate to about $US100 per tonne this year.

UBS, which has flagged its iron base case as $US85 per tonne this year, says demand dynamics do not favour ongoing strength, but has stopped short of predicting a price collapse in the first quarter.

“We are cautious on iron ore prices as we expect demand to weaken year on year and supply to lift in 2022,’' the broker has said in a note to clients.

But while three important events will transpire in China over the next eight weeks - Chinese New Year, the Winter Olympics and Beijing’s annual parliamentary meetings, the “Two Sessions” in early March - the broker says that is unlikely to have an impact in the short term.

“In our opinion, these events are unlikely to have a material impact on the iron ore price so long as steel spreads remain healthy.,’’ UBS says in a note to clients.

“Construction activity will moderate over Chinese New Year as migrant workers can return home over the holiday period (unlike in 2021); we expect this to drive a seasonal build in steel inventory, not a collapse in steel production.

“We expect Blue Sky campaigns to restrict steel production around Beijing in the first quarter; however, if spreads are healthy, steel production should lift elsewhere in China so the impact on iron ore will likely be limited.’’

UBS has flagged that what comes out of the Two Sessions meetings could sway the market as the Chinese Government sets out its priorities for the year.

“While iron ore spot prices have lifted to more than $US135 per tonne, they remain vulnerable to weaker (Chinese) property construction with near record high port stocks,’’ the broker says.

“Our iron ore price base case is $US85 per tonne in 2022, $US80 per tonne in 2023 and $US75 per tonne in 2024 ... as China’s mandated steel production cuts puts the iron ore market into a growing surplus.”

Meanwhile Fitch Solutions has maintained its growth forecast for Australian iron ore production at 3 per cent this year, falling to 1.5 per cent in 2023 as delayed new projects and expansions come online. This would push production to 1.004 billion tonnes this calendar year.

Further out there are also “upside risks” to production in 2024 as Hancock Prospecting and Mineral Resources consider new projects and a potential bump from an increase in exploration in 2021 flows through.

“Nevertheless, we expect Covid-related labour shortages and disruptions to continue to pose downside risks for iron ore production in 2022 as they did in 2021,’’ Fitch says.

“Heavy rainfall, Covid-related labour shortages, and supply chain interruptions have also delayed projects and lowered production in 2021.’’

Fitch expects an increase in steel production in China after the Winter Olympics and Chinese New Year, and says continued monetary policy support will also bolster China’s iron ore demand.

“On one hand, Australian iron ore miners expect seaborne demand to positively support prices and production levels in 2022, after the fall in demand last year from Chinese steel output curbs,’’ Fitch says.

On the other hand, Australian production will increase as projects such as Rio Tinto’s Gudai-Darri mine start up, with that project having a nameplate capacity of 32 million tonnes per year.

“Overall, the midpoint of Rio Tinto’s shipment guidance suggests 1.7 per cent year on year growth in 2022, an increase of about 5.5 million tonnes,’’ Fitch says.

“While BHP and Fortescue’s 2022 guidance shows no growth, that guidance may be adjusted in the second quarter or when their new financial year begins in July.’’

Fitch is forecasting the iron price will moderate to $US90 per tonne this year, dropping to $US75 and $US70 in subsequent years.

“Lower iron ore prices and rising steel inventories in the years ahead will still eventually lead to output contraction in the coming decade as junior miners higher on the cost curve are forced to consolidate or else liquidate holdings as the demand profile for iron ore shifts,’’ Fitch says.

“This may increase the relative discount for lower quality ores over time as green steel production expands and forces miners to invest more in refining operations thereby reducing their profit margins.

“Persistently high costs hiring new labour may also affect the profitability of miners less able to automate processes or else deploy autonomous systems that improve productivity in the next two years and accelerate these trends.’’

Fitch is also predicting further consolidation among junior miners, due to lower prices and competition for labour.

#Business Model/Strategy
Added 3 years ago

Wow! @Slymeat. I was going to follow you after this incisive post. But guess what? I already do! I have no understanding of blockchain, crypto, metaverse (a little on each). BNPL? (bust or Bull?). Neither does Kochie. I just think they are things we should all keep an eye on. Thought they would impact when I'm dead. I suspect they will change things much, much sooner. 2024?/

#Business Model/Strategy
Added 3 years ago

Thanks @suttree for sharing that link re BHP using Blockchain. My reply, discussing the technology involved, may be somewhat hidden down here, but this is the only appropriate place for it.

IMHO your shared article demonstrates a good use of Blockchain technology which (again IMHO) is wasted when used to facilitate mere purchases, I.e. when used as a currency, or cryptocurrency. I’m certain Satoshi Nakamoto only created Bitcoin to introduce Blockchain to the world. But as always, the world received it the wrong way.

Blockchain is brilliant as a distributed and globally verifiable, immutable ledger, but traceability is somewhat wasted on it when used purely as a currency. What BHP propose is IMHO using the technology for its intended purpose.

When used for financial purposes, other than tracing the current purchase transaction, I don’t think there is really any need, for general consumers, to trace any other usage of the cryptocurrency involved, and certainly no need to trace ALL currency transactions forever, although that is what immutable means. The information is never destroyed.

It’s like knowing every transaction each and every dollar coin has been involved in. actually, each cent! Neat, but not necessary. It costs little to maintain all that data and does give law-enforcement an opportunity to determine who paid for what. So there’s a huge benefit there. But maybe only that one benefit!

BHP’s intended use, to trace elements in the supply chain, and also to prove things like carbon footprint is exactly the type of usage I was hoping Blockchain would get used for. Good on BHP for embracing the technology for what it really is.

NFTs are another example of good use of Blockchain. And here, tracing back to original is of vital importance. But as ownership changes hands infrequently, the ledger for each NFT is short and perfect for its intended use—to weed out counterfeits.

I have also seen brilliant use in agriculture - to prove the end-to-end journey food takes. How useful would this have been for those needles in fruit incidents recently.

I once invested in Yojee (ASX:YOJ) because they were correctly employing Blockchain for traceability and smart contracts in the logistics industry. I still firmly believe they are onto an absolute winner here, but once again, the world does not appreciate the full extent of what they offer. Maybe it’s time to throw a little more money their way.

What people don’t fully appreciate is that the pieces of digital info within the blocks of the Blockchain form contracts, and these contracts can contain up to 24kB of data.

Most people know of Bitcoin, but most other cryptocurrencies or alt-coins, have dedicated tasks they perform. They exist to communicate smart contracts and hence information in an immutable manner. The Blockchain associated with each serves a perfect distributed ledger.

There are also other technologies other than just the Blockchain, but I won’t get into that here. There are also a lot of ways to validate each block (known as mining). Interestingly, the process to mine Bitcoin is extremely wasteful of energy and simply cannot continue as it is into the future.

Note: I am by no means an expert in the subject, I’ve merely researched to a level where I am comfortable talking about it.

I must say—I do like the anti-inflationary approach of cryptocurrency and how it is giving the bird to FIAT and those who regulate FIAT. If only the hysteria and FOMO could take a back step, the world may see it as a legitimate technology to embrace, rather than a get-rich-quick scheme.

Maybe more companies like BHP will start using Blockchain correctly! Let’s hope.

#Business Model/Strategy
Added 3 years ago

Don't understand Blockchain? BHP seems to.

The power of intent. The vision and guts to evolve. Founded 1885.

#Short term jump today?
Last edited 3 years ago

Long term vision? BHP sale of BMC coal interest. $1.35 Billion. To Stanmore. Interesting. Just sharing. Didn't happen overnight...

#Business Model/Strategy
Last edited 3 years ago

Broken Hill Proprietary Company which evolved into BHP was founded on 16 July 1885. To put this into perspective this was 16 years before federation. 

How many companies founded in 130+ years ago are still in existence? Not many. How many over 100 years are in the ASX200. Quick someone build that list, I wish I knew, however suspect not more than a handful or possibly only BHP.

BHP business is in the natural resources business in Australia, Europe, China, Japan, India, South Korea, North America, South America, and internationally. It operates in Petroleum, Copper, Iron Ore, and Coal segments. The company engages in the exploration, development, and production of oil and gas properties, mining of copper, silver, zinc, molybdenum, uranium, gold, iron ore, and metallurgical and energy coal. It is also involved in mining, smelting, and refining of nickel. Basically, this is a broad spectrum, extremely well-executed mining EFT. 

Being an ETF (it is not), you don’t have to believe in all the sectors BHP play, just have faith management will continue to execute.

The company is currently dual listed in the UK and Australia, but this is in the process of being unwound with a single AU listing. There is also a massive petroleum demerger whic is expected to see a significant dividend outcome. Both are positive moves. 

In a new direction, BHP has recently approved a nearly $6B push into potash in Canada. Diversification continues.

If you are looking for mining exposure, and in reality almost everything comes from mining, BHP are amongst the best.  



#Bull Case
Added 3 years ago

Some downside risks remain due to the Chinese property sector situation which is still evolving and could plausibly go catastrophically wrong, but I believe the current share price already reflects all of the likely downside scenarios.

BHP is my largest holding both IRL and also on Strawman, and I have confidence in its prospects long term so I've taken the opportunity to top up while the share price is below $40.

I had previously held some protective puts to hedge against downside risk early in the Evergrande saga, but I have closed them all now as I believe the majority of the downside risk has now passed.

There is also now immediate upside potential for their nickel and copper assets, as well as the long term upside for their new potash play.

From a technical perspective the immediate downtrend seems to have reversed with the price closing above the 20-day EMA on Friday, the MACD looking bullish since early in the week, and the bullish and bearish Directional Movement Indexes about to cross. 

A cautious approach would be to wait for a close above $40 (or the 50-day EMA) before opening a position, but I think it is a bargain for a long term holder at current levels so did not want to wait to top up.

#FT Mining Summit
Added 3 years ago

BHP CEO says the miner is prepared to pursue opportunities in "tougher jurisdictions" at the FT  Mining Summit. Adding he was confident BHP could manage the risks of investing and operating in politically volatile developing countries.

Mike Henry cited ambitions for about half of BHP's revenues to come from the "future facing commodities" of copper, potash and nickel by the end of the decade.

#The UK effect?
Last edited 3 years ago

20-Aug-2021:  For Rick - just to add to your "UK Effect?" straw - I read this on FNArena this morning - by Greg Peel - it was written yesterday - Thursday 19th:

"Following the sudden drop on Wall Street, yesterday morning the futures had suggested a -34 drop for the ASX200 and indeed, in the first five minutes the index was down -40 points. An hour later, it was up 17.

The session was complicated by a -7.1% fall for BHP Group ((BHP)), which in the wash-up was worth -33 index points, so take that out and the index implicitly rose 24 points on the day.

BHP’s fall had nothing to do with its profit result – that was a cracker – and nothing to do with the dividend – that was better than expected – nor anything much to do with the petroleum merger – that had already been priced in. It was all to do with dual-listing arbitrage.

It’s all very complex, but suffice to say BHP Oz has always traded at a premium to BHP UK, and also to the BHP Group ADR listed in the US, which is directly fungible with BHP Oz (and not an additional listing per se). Now that the dual listing is being “collapsed”, which basically means BHP Oz buys out BHP UK, that three-way arbitrage (complicated by exchange rates) has to close.

And traders did not muck around. Such volatility was anticipated as soon as BHP made the announcement in yesterday’s aftermarket. The dust will settle, but unlike a stock plunging after going ex-dividend, which is zero-sum, BHP Oz has indeed de-rated.

The materials sector thus fell -3.0%, and Rio Tinto ((RIO)), which is also dual-listed, dropped -2.3% just in case. And the iron ore price has plunged again, down -4%.

While the index did peak out around 11am following the announcement of another step-jump in NSW cases, again it does not appear the market has the delta blues. The index simply drifted off a bit following responses to the day’s earnings results."

Makes sense and backs up your own thoughts Rick.

#The UK effect?
Last edited 3 years ago

I might be talking complete BS here, but I think this a phenomena putting more pressure on the BHP shares listed on the ASX since UK delisting was announced. Happy for smart Strawman folk to poke holes in this theory.

Investors much smarter than me have worked out that UK BHP shares were 13.5% cheaper than AU BHP shares on the 17/08/21 (currency adjusted). Why? Possibly the difference in the franking credit value. What happens when BHP is delisted in the UK? BHP shares will be listed on the ASX and they will become equals. As of yesterday UK BHP shares were 7.5% cheaper currency adjusted. I believe UK still have a 10% franking credit (might be wrong), so the franking credit adjustments may have come to an end. I believe the smart people who were quick enough to work this out may have pocketed millions over the last few tradings days, selling AU shares and buying UK shares, putting further pressure on the AU listed BHP shares. 

What will happen in the long run? I'm not quite sure, but the share price should appreciate some given all BHP shares listed currently provide a franking credit benefit to Aussie holders. Just more confusion impacting the BHP price at the moment. Not to mention the Elephant in the Room...the falling commodity prices!

(See calculations and explanation notes attached)

View Attachment

#Business Model/Strategy
Added 3 years ago

Announcement 17/8/21

Oil and Gas merge with WPL and Dual Listing  has gone:

Massive $US17bn underlying profit, the third biggest since Australia’s BHP merged with London-listed Billiton in 2001. Shareholders will receive a better than expected final dividend of $US2 per share, taking total dividends in the year to a record $US3.01. Iron ore contributed around 80% of its profit. BHP will enter the potash market too. Mike Henry very excited about this move. UK holders will be happy with the collapsing of the dual listing and ASX will be its primary listing. Up 8.2% in London trade early but that may be the dual listing bounce

Added 3 years ago

From FNArena 29/06/2021


Macquarie rates BHP as Outperform (1) - BHP Group has divested its 33.3% interest in Cerrejon for US$294m. A -US$80m impairment will be recognised at the FY21 result.

The company will also continue the divestment process for its remaining thermal coal asset in NSW and metallurgical coal assets in the BMC joint venture.

Macquarie observes earnings upgrade momentum remains strong and retains an Outperform rating and $63 target.

Target price is $63.00 Current Price is $48.40 Difference: $14.6 If BHP meets the Macquarie target it will return approximately 30% (excluding dividends, fees and charges). Current consensus price target is $50.50, suggesting upside of 4.3%(ex-dividends)The company's fiscal year ends in June.

Forecast for FY21:

Macquarie forecasts a full year FY21 dividend of 408.52 cents and EPS of 465.85 cents . At the last closing share price the estimated dividend yield is 8.44%. At the last closing share price the stock's estimated Price to Earnings Ratio (PER) is 10.39. How do these forecasts compare to market consensus projections?

Current consensus EPS estimate is 450.3, implying annual growth of N/A. Current consensus DPS estimate is 358.5, implying a prospective dividend yield of 7.4%. Current consensus EPS estimate suggests the PER is 10.7.

Forecast for FY22:

Macquarie forecasts a full year FY22 dividend of 383.07 cents and EPS of 477.77 cents . At the last closing share price the estimated dividend yield is 7.91%. At the last closing share price the stock's estimated Price to Earnings Ratio (PER) is 10.13. How do these forecasts compare to market consensus projections?

Current consensus EPS estimate is 512.2, implying annual growth of 13.7%. Current consensus DPS estimate is 393.6, implying a prospective dividend yield of 8.1%. Current consensus EPS estimate suggests the PER is 9.4.

This company reports in USD. All estimates have been converted into AUD by FNArena at present FX values.Market Sentiment: 0.4All consensus data are updated until yesterday. FNArena's consensus calculations require a minimum of three sources

Added 4 years ago

18-Aug-2020:  BHP Results Presentation for the Year Ended 30 June 2020

and Preliminary Final Report

The results are prepared in accordance with IFRS and are presented in US dollars.  

Revenue and Profits:

Revenue from continuing operations: down 3% to US$42,931m

Revenue from discontinued operations: N/A

Total revenue: down 5% to US$42,931m

Profit after taxation from continuing operations attributable to the members of the BHP Group: down 8% to US$7,956m

Loss after taxation from discontinued operations attributable to the members of the BHP Group: N/A

Profit after taxation attributable to the members of the BHP Group: down 4% to US$7,956m

For the year ended 30 June 2019, revenue from discontinued operations was US$851 million and loss after taxation from discontinued operations attributable to the members of the BHP Group was US$342 million.

Net Tangible Asset Backing:

Net tangible assets per fully paid share were US$10.21 as at 30 June 2020, compared with US$10.11 as at 30 June 2019.

Net Tangible Assets includes right of use assets with a carrying value of US$3,047 million as at 30 June 2020.

Dividends per share:

Final dividend for current period (record date 4 September 2020; payment date 22 September 2020): US 55 cents fully franked

Final dividend for previous corresponding period: US 78 cents fully franked.

--- click on links above for more ---

[I do NOT hold BHP currently, but have done previously.  I currently hold and prefer South32 - S32 - who are more advanced in their efforts to divest their thermal/energy coal assets than BHP are.  I also prefer the commodity mix that S32 have, rather than the mix that BHP has.]

#Struggling to sell Mt Arthur
Last edited 4 years ago


BHP coal exit stalled by Mt Arthur bids

by Nickolas Zakharia

BHP is reportedly struggling to find a suitable offer for the sale of its Mt Arthur thermal coal mine in New South Wales.

The Mt Arthur coal mine is the largest coal mine in New South Wales’ Hunter Valley region and is expected to be worth around $1 billion.

It is forecast to have production of between 15 and 17 million tonnes for the 12 months ended on June 30.

BHP hired Macquarie bank and JP Morgan to sell the thermal coal mine last year, sources said. However, offers from Yancoal Australia and Adani have allegedly been rejected due to offers not meeting valuation.

“Yancoal considers acquisitive growth opportunities as they arise, such as BHP’s thermal coal assets, and is committed to only acquiring appropriately priced assets of genuine future value,” a Yancoal spokesperson told Australian Mining.

The sale of the mine follows suit with many major miners turning away from coal assets to improve their emissions targets.

Adani declined to comment on its interest in acquiring the mine.

--- ends ---

--- South32 (S32) have already found a buyer for their own South African thermal coal assets, and that sale is due to complete later this year.  While it is certainly positive to see that BHP are attempting to offload their own energy (/thermal) coal assets, they are probably asking too much for them in the current environment, which is why they can't find any buyers. ---

[I hold S32, not BHP, and I think there is significant downside risk associated with any company that derives a substantial percentage of their revenue from energy/thermal coal at this point.  While coal does represent a relatively small percentage of BHP's overall group revenue, I still believe that they become a better investment without thermal/energy coal.]

#Bull Case
Added 4 years ago

Huge problems in Brazil with covid19 effecting iron ore production.  Bullish for BHP