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#Hemi Maiden Mineral Resource
Added 4 years ago

6.8 Million Ounce Maiden Resource @ 1.1 g/T cutoff for Hemi,  Increasing the Mineral resourccesto 9 Moz @ 1.2 g /T cutoff. 

Finding cost at Hemi was $8.50 per ounce.

Hemi contains 25000 ounces per vertical metre in the shalow areas of the resource.  

Potential to expand resource along strike and depth. 

TD, Andy Beckwith said:  "Twelve drill rigs are currently focused on expanding Hemi as well as testing numerous targets within our large 100% owned, 150km long land package. I have no doubt we will be drilling and finding additional resources for many years to come.”  

MD, Glenn Jardine said:  "....The Company expects to be able to provide production potential for Hemi and the overall Mallina Gold Project to shareholders in the September quarter 2021 through the completion of a scoping study.

DEG is valued at approximately $175 per resource ounce.  


#Crow & Aquila Exploration
Added 4 years ago

Strong mineralisation at crow and Aquila. 

High grade strikes include 6 metres @ 44.9 g/T.   

Crow and Aquila look to be building be a +1 MOz externsion to the Hemi find.  

De Grey GM said:

“Aquila-Crow is one of the more structurally complex areas at Hemi and has significant gold endowment.  The McCleod Lode at Crow has now produced a number of thick, very high grade intersections which add significantly to the resource potential.  Improved targeting of these high-grade
zones is ongoing as we gain a better understanding of the geological controls.  Aquila continues to produce consistent, wide gold intersections throughout the lode, particularly in 
shallower portions.” 


#Incentive milestones
Added 4 years ago

The De Grey Mining AGM will approve a new set of incentives, which I want to highlight.  The Zero Excercise Price Options have the following vesting conditions:

1) Achieving JORC 2012 Mineral Resources of not less than 12 million ounces

2) Definitive Feasilbity Study confirmnig feasiblity of a 500k ounce per annum production rate for no less than 12 years. 

One would think they like their chances of achieving these targets.  

DISC - I hold a little DEG.