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07-Dec-2024: This $2.08 Valuation for De Grey (DEG) is based purely on NST's recent offer to acquire DEG, which has been unanimously recommended to DEG shareholders by the entire DEG Board. It's a good deal more than I thought they were worth as a standalone company still years away from becoming a gold producer, but I can see the appeal to a major player like NST - who are Australia's largest gold producing company.
The offer is 0.119 new NST shares for each DEG share, and represents an implied offer price of A$2.08 per De Grey share and a total equity value for De Grey of approximately A$5 billion on a fully diluted basis, based on the undisturbed closing price of Northern Star shares of A$17.51 on Friday 29th November 2024, being the last trading day before the offer was announced.
Obviously the implied price has dropped now because NST's share price has dropped, however $5 billion is what NST think DEG is worth, even though they are not even fully permitted yet for Hemi, and that $5 billion works out to $2.08/DEG share.
This takeover WILL go through unless it is blocked or a superior offer is lobbed in by someone else.
In the former scenario, that could be a fly in the ointment, however De Grey (DEG) currently have only one "Sub" that could block the offer at this point in time, being Gold Road Resources (GOR) who own 17.85% of DEG, and the DEG share price, which has been trading between $1.87 and $1.99 since the offer was announced, and closed yesterday at $1.91, suggests that there isn't a whole lot of buying up of DEG shares by anyone with the intention of accumulating a blocking stake (more than 10%) to try to force NST or someone else to improve their offer.
The risk is of course that if GOR or anyone else tries to block the deal, NST could walk away - most commentators including the majority of brokers who cover the sector, are of the opinion that the price NST are offering to pay is already on the high side, so there is the risk that NST have already made a first and final offer and don't intend to raise it.
On the one hand Hemi is definitely a Tier 1 asset and to buy those you have to pay a premium price, but on the other hand, there is development risk, which the acquirer is taking on, so if they pay too much, everything has to pan out perfectly or they end up having overpaid which can result in large write-downs in later years, something some of the brokers are concerned about, with many of them having lowered their valuations or price targets for NST since this offer was made.
It should also be mentioned that GOR bought their DEG stake at a substantially lower price than where DEG are trading now, so they're going to do very well out of this if the deal goes through, and may not do as well if they try to block it.
That's the "blocked" scenario, a risky play by any potential blocker. The other thing that could torpedo this deal is of course a superior offer, which could be one with a better price, or just an offer that is all cash instead of all scrip (shares) - as this one is. And that would only be a positive for DEG IMO, although clearly not for NST. I currently hold both companies.
Under the binding scheme implementation deed (SID) Northern Star (NST) don't have too many "out" clauses that allow them to back out of this deal, unless DEG do something silly. One of those "outs" is DEG receiving a superior offer from another party, or if the independent expert's report does not indicate that NST's offer is fair and reasonable for DEG shareholders, and I'll bet my left arm that the IE report will say that the deal is indeed fair and reasonable for DEG shareholders.
From their announcement: "The Scheme is unanimously recommended by the Board of Directors of De Grey, and each De Grey Director intends to vote all De Grey shares that they hold or control in favour of the Scheme, in each case, subject to no Superior Proposal (as defined in the SID - Scheme Implementation Deed) emerging and the Independent Expert concluding (and continuing to conclude) in the Independent Expert’s Report that the Scheme is in the best interest of De Grey shareholders."
Instead of repeating what I've already written elsewhere here, I'll just provide a few links:
02-Dec-2024: Biggest deal of the year in the Aussie Gold Sector
02-Dec-2024: Northern Star agrees to acquire De Grey
02-Dec-2024: NST’s $5B Deal: Most Expensive Undeveloped Gold Mine Ever (Money of Mine podcast)
AFR coverage:
Mark Wembridge and Elouise Fowler, Dec 2, 2024 – 10.15am [updated]
Dec 2, 2024 – 3.50pm, (AFR) Chanticleer.
And recently - before the deal was announced:
Mark Wembridge, AFR Resources reporter, Nov 24, 2024 – 4.32pm
--- --- ---
So Stuart Tonkin, the MD of NST, is bullish on Gold and he wants to buy DEG before DEG raise the capital to build Hemi themselves. It looks like the KCGM (Super Pit/Fimiston Mill) expansion is still going to be NST's #1 priority, and then developing De Grey's Hemi would be their next growth project.
Even without DEG's Hemi, NST estimate they'll be producing enough gold p.a. in 2027 or 2028 to propel them up to be one of the top 5 gold miners in the world in terms of both annual gold production and market capitalisation, and with Hemi they would just be consolidating that position.
And they're using their own scrip (shares) at a time when their share price is around all-time highs - i.e. at $17.51/share on the Friday before they announced this offer, and their all-time intraday high was $18.32 on 25th October (5 weeks earlier) and their all-time closing high was $18.29/share on that same day.
As a long time NST shareholder, I like companies to use their own shares for acquisitions when their share price is elevated and around fully valued, and that's what they've done, so while I think they've paid a little over the odds for DEG, I can see the appeal, and I like the way the acquisition is structured.
I also do think it's a very sweet deal for DEG shareholders, probably a better deal for DEG shareholders than NST shareholders to be honest, so that's why I've become a DEG shareholder while the DEG SP is below the implied offer price. At this point I currently hold more DEG than NST, and prior to this offer being announced I didn't hold any DEG, so I am certainly interested in how this one pans out.
It's shaping up to be a Golden Summer.
02-Dec-2024: Northern Star agrees to acquire De Grey.pdf
And: Presentation - Northern Star agrees to acquire De Grey.pdf
A Tier-1 gold asset is defined as an operation producing in excess of 500kozpa of gold per annum with a 10+ year mine life.
At 1:42pm Sydney time, DEG is trading up +26.45% (or +40.2 cps) @ $1.922 and NST is trading -7.37% (down -$1.29) @ $16.22.
I have to do some work on whether the price paid is reasonable here, but as an NST shareholder I am encouraged that NST have used their scrip for this deal rather than cash, so this doesn't result in any change to their cash or debt positions.
This deal (0.119 new NST shares for each DEG share) represents an implied offer price of A$2.08 per De Grey share and a total equity value for De Grey of approximately A$5 billion on a fully diluted basis, based on the closing price of Northern Star shares of A$17.51 on Friday (29 November 2024) - obviously a bit less now since NST's share price has dropped today.
The Scheme is unanimously recommended by the Board of Directors of De Grey, and each De Grey Director intends to vote all De Grey shares that they hold or control in favour of the Scheme, in each case, subject to no Superior Proposal (as defined in the SID - Scheme Implementation Deed) emerging and the Independent Expert concluding (and continuing to conclude) in the Independent Expert’s Report that the Scheme is in the best interest of De Grey shareholders.
The Scheme Consideration represents a significant and attractive premium of:
Upon implementation of the Scheme, Northern Star shareholders will own approximately 80.1% of the combined Group and De Grey shareholders will own approximately 19.9%.
Here's the 5 year SP graphs of both companies up until today:
Here's the important stuff (IMO):
So NST's Ore Reserves increase by +29% to 26.9 million ounces, and their Mineral Resources increase by +22% to 74.9 million ounces.
Low cost - Hemi should be in the lowest quartile of the AISC (cost) curve.
Consistent with NST's purpose of generating superior returns for shareholders.
So, I'll have a think about the price, but at this stage, I'm happy enough with this as an NST shareholder.
27-Sep-2024: Media-Speculation-in-The-Australian-newspaper.PDF
Ostensibly this announcement is to deny the rumour is true, but the reality is that it spreads the rumour from just readers of The Australian newspaper and website to everybody - and while DEG clearly haven't received a buyout proposal from Agnico Eagle Mines, i.e. there is no proposal on the table today, it doesn't mean the speculation is baseless, as DEG have commented that apart from simply stating that they have NOT received a proposal from AEM (listed on the NYSE in the USA and the TSE in Canada), it is DEG's policy to not comment on rumours or media speculation.
So they could well be in talks with AEM that have not yet progressed to a written offer that needs to be disclosed, or for that matter they could be in talks with a number of parties; we do not know. We do know is that with a market capitalisation of $3.2 billion (with a "B", not an "M"), DEG is already too large to be taken over by any Australian listed and Australian HQ'd gold producer except for NST - and Northern Star haven't shown any interest in DEG to date, so if DEG DO get taken over, it would have to be by a large multi-national like AEM who have a market capitalisation of A$63 Billion according to this:
The DEG share price hasn't reacted much to this news - or lack of news - being up 5 cents roughly, same as they were before the trading pause and "Nothing to see here" announcement, and still around 5 cents/share below their year high of $1.445 (set intraday on 4-Dec-2023).
There are always rumours, but I don't hold DEG, and I'm not tempted to buy them. As a rule, I don't try to make a quick buck on these M&A situations, because they often don't pan out how you expect they will. And that's assuming there is ANY substance to the rumours published today by The Australian.
I think there likely is some fire there behind the smoke, but I don't know how it will likely play out. DEG still looks expensive to me for a project developer who doesn't produce anything yet.
Argonaut - Hemi DFS Review: 20231017-DEG-Argonaut-Resreach-DFS-Review.pdf [17-Oct-2023]
Macquarie - Hemi DFS Delivered & A$300m Raise Launched: 20230929-DEG-Macquarie-Research-DFS-Delivered-300m-raise-launched.pdf [29-Sep-2023]
RBC Capital Markets - Seize De Grey: Initiating DEG at Outperform: 20230803-RB-of-Canada-DEG-Seize-De-Grey-Initiating-De-Grey-at-Outperform.pdf [03-Aug-2023]
Macquarie - Mallina Growing; DFS expected in Q1 of 2024: 20230726-DEG-Macquarie-Research-MallinaGrowing-DFS-Expected-in-Qtr-1-2024-1.pdf [26-July-2023]
Bank of America (BoA) Securities - A future top 5 Australian gold producer, initiating coverage with a Neutral: 20230717-Bank-of-American-DEG-A-future-top-5-Australian-gold-producer-Initiating-coverage-with-a-Neutral.pdf [17-July-2023]
Canaccord Genuity (CG) - Hemi Resource continues to increase in scale and confidence: 20230615-Canaccord-Hemi-Resource-continues-to-increase-in-scale-and-confidence.pdf [15-June-2023]
Barrenjoey - Advancing a Tier 1 Gold Project: 20230504-Barrenjoey-De-Grey-Advancing-a-Tier-1-gold-project.pdf [04-May-2023]
Source: Argonaut Report: 20231017-DEGG-Argonaut-Resreach-DFS-Review.pdf
Hemi Gold Deposit - De Grey Mining
Investor Centre - De Grey Mining
De Grey Mining - Western Australian Gold Explorer
De Grey Mining, gradually turning the Pilbara region into swiss cheese.
10-May-2024: DEG is raising capital again - this time it's another $600m @ $1.10/share; DEG were trading at $1.265 when they called the TH (on Wednesday 8th) for the CR, however they've recently been over $1.30, up to $1.375 (closing price on 12th April, 4 weeks ago).
08-May-2024: Equity Raise Investor Presentation - De Grey Mining - Hemi Gold Project
10-May-2024: Successful-Institutional-Bookbuild.PDF
Also: GOR-Gold-Road-Participates-in-De-Grey-Entitlement-Offer.PDF
Gold Road (GOR) are taking up their full entitlement in this CR. GOR were 19.99% owners of DEG prior to this CR and I presume their full entitlement allows them to continue to maintain that percentage ownership.
Here's the indicative timetable for the retail component (retail entitlement offer):
The fully underwritten retail component of the Entitlement Offer is expected to raise a further approximately $85.6 million (via the issue of approximately 77.8 million New Shares. Eligible retail shareholders, being shareholders with a registered address in Australia or New Zealand as at the record date of 7:00 pm Friday, 10 May 2024, not being US persons or acting for the account or benefit of persons in the US, will be invited to participate in the Retail Entitlement Offer at the same Offer Price and offer ratio (1 New Share for every 7.95 existing De Grey shares) as the Institutional Entitlement Offer.
Eligible retail shareholders can choose to take up all, part or none of their Entitlement. Eligible retail shareholders who take up their entitlement in full can also apply for additional shares in excess of their entitlement up to a maximum of 50% of their entitlement under a ‘top-up’ facility. Additional new shares will only be available where there is a shortfall between applications received from eligible retail shareholders and the number of new shares proposed to be issued under the Retail Entitlement Offer.
Disclosure: I do not hold DEG shares. Too early stage for me - and too much already in the price. DEG was already a $2.3 Billion company BEFORE this CR, and they haven't yet built their first gold mine. Here's a couple of slides from their capital raising presso (link at the top of this straw) that show how much more money they are still going to need before they actually make a dollar:
And that's for a project where the DFS estimates a total capital cost of $1.345 Billion, and these things rarely end up being built on time and on budget, especially on budget.
Their remaining funding requirements are at least $766m AFTER this $600 capital raising. And they are project developers, not producers, so there is no production income, and won't be for years. They hope to have their funding sorted out by the end of this calendar year, and then they have to do the EPC tendering process, select the winning bidder, and then the thing has to be built, commissioned, fine-tuned, and reach commercial production. And that don't all happen overnight.
If they have as much gold there at Hemi as what they think they probably have, then there would likely be upside from here, but my belief is that they're already priced for more than what they've found and proven to be there, so there's already at least SOME upside already priced in, and therefore there is some downside risk in buying at these prices if things don't pan out as they expect they will in terms of proving up the full extent of the deposit and the gold grades within it.
My preference is to usually go with the best gold producers, however on those occasions when I "invest" in a project developer, I want the plant (gold mill) to already be under construction - and be fully funded already, which DEG are not.
I mean, They Have A Plan. Everybody Has A Plan.
Not all plans... go to plan...
Things can and do go wrong sometimes. That's the risk with backing a project developer, no matter how good their project is, and Hemi is a damn fine deposit, but it's all under the ground at this point, and we don't yet know how big it is and how good it is. It's big. It's good. But HOW big and HOW good? They've spent years drilling, but my observation is that every time they say they have more gold the share price moves beyond what they've proven they've got, AGAIN, so there's always been upside priced in, and there may well be for years to come, until there isn't.
Good luck to all holders - but I'm going with gold producers over gold project developers at this point.
3monthe look:
1 yr look at chart: is this the base? has the low been tested?
15-June-2023: Mallina-Gold-Project-Resource-Statement---2023.PDF
15-June-2023: The West Australian newspaper article: Mallina resource upgrade triggers underground studies by De Grey Mining | The West Australian [1:16pm]
Plain Text:
An underground expansion of Australia’s biggest undeveloped gold deposit is looking more likely after a $3 billion resource upgrade by De Grey Mining.
With an eagerly-awaited feasibility study looming, the gold hopeful on Thursday revealed that ongoing drilling had increased the estimated resource at the Mallina gold project in the Pilbara by another 1.1 million ounces to 11.7 million ounces.
The additional in-ground gold is valued at nearly $3b at current prices.
--- end of Excerpt ---
[15-June-2023: DEG closes down 1 cent @ $1.275]
That was Thursday. Then today (Friday)...
16-June-2023: Response-to-West-Australian-Article.PDF [from DEG today]
[16-June-2023: DEG closes up 8.5 cents @ $1.36 - so up +6.67%]
16-June-2023: The West Australian newspaper: Herd on the Terrace: Why did De Grey get an ASX ‘please explain’ | The West Australian [posted to their website at 6:18pm]
Gold hopeful De Grey Mining was put into a trading pause on Friday after the ASX demanded it “clarify” a report about the previous day’s resource estimate at its undeveloped Mallina gold project in the Pilbara. Credit: Photography Project/Photography Project.
The fun police at the ASX in Perth have been at it again, and this time the Bull’s irresponsible colleagues have to take the blame.
Gold hopeful De Grey Mining was put into a short trading pause on Friday after the ASX demanded it “clarify” a report in this august news organ about the previous day’s resource estimate at its undeveloped Mallina gold project in the Pilbara.
The Perth listings compliance team got themselves in a tizz over our correspondent’s contextual reference to the upgrade being the equivalent of $3 billion of additional gold at current prices.
Now, yes, it’s against the listing rules for a company to put an in-ground value on its gold, but there was no suggestion De Grey did. That was down to our naughty correspondent, who was just adding a bit of colour.
The Bull can envisage a lot of trading disruption if the ASX compliance coppers are going to go questioning every headline or article which they deem puts a company potentially in breach of the listing rules.
Which raises a couple of other points. The same article was up online all day on Thursday but seemingly went unnoticed by the ASX bright sparks.
And secondly, they do know that journalists aren’t obliged to consult the listing rules before they publish, right?
Raleigh Finlayson has put in some hard yards at the Western Suburbs hangout of Steve’s to help get his Genesis Minerals’ buyout of St Barbara’s Sons of Gwalia over the line.
The Genesis boss did some last-minute pitching to a couple of dozen investors lured to the waterfront drinking hole on Thursday night with the help of stockbroker Euroz.
The deal goes to shareholders on Tuesday and is expected to get up, despite the efforts of rival suitor Silver Lake Resources.
--- end of excerpts ---
Disclosure: I do NOT hold shares in DEG (De Grey Mining) or GMD (Genesis Minerals). I do hold shares in SBM (St Barbara), who were mentioned at the end there in relation to GMD's Raleigh Finlayson and drinks at Steve's in Nedlands.
6.8 Million Ounce Maiden Resource @ 1.1 g/T cutoff for Hemi, Increasing the Mineral resourccesto 9 Moz @ 1.2 g /T cutoff.
Finding cost at Hemi was $8.50 per ounce.
Hemi contains 25000 ounces per vertical metre in the shalow areas of the resource.
Potential to expand resource along strike and depth.
TD, Andy Beckwith said: "Twelve drill rigs are currently focused on expanding Hemi as well as testing numerous targets within our large 100% owned, 150km long land package. I have no doubt we will be drilling and finding additional resources for many years to come.”
MD, Glenn Jardine said: "....The Company expects to be able to provide production potential for Hemi and the overall Mallina Gold Project to shareholders in the September quarter 2021 through the completion of a scoping study.
DEG is valued at approximately $175 per resource ounce.
Strong mineralisation at crow and Aquila.
High grade strikes include 6 metres @ 44.9 g/T.
Crow and Aquila look to be building be a +1 MOz externsion to the Hemi find.
De Grey GM said:
“Aquila-Crow is one of the more structurally complex areas at Hemi and has significant gold endowment. The McCleod Lode at Crow has now produced a number of thick, very high grade intersections which add significantly to the resource potential. Improved targeting of these high-grade
zones is ongoing as we gain a better understanding of the geological controls. Aquila continues to produce consistent, wide gold intersections throughout the lode, particularly in
shallower portions.”
Hi All
Just heard and read something that was new to me but maybe not others. Crickey has a list of those sent to gaol by ASIC. on the list it appears to include the Chairman of DEG, Simon Lill. looks as if went to gaol for 18 months associated with a company called Equity Minerals. anybody know anything about this ...or care?
The De Grey Mining AGM will approve a new set of incentives, which I want to highlight. The Zero Excercise Price Options have the following vesting conditions:
1) Achieving JORC 2012 Mineral Resources of not less than 12 million ounces.
2) Definitive Feasilbity Study confirmnig feasiblity of a 500k ounce per annum production rate for no less than 12 years.
One would think they like their chances of achieving these targets.
DISC - I hold a little DEG.
15-Sep-2020: Falcon - Drilling Update
Drill results confirm Falcon as a growing new opportunity
De Grey Technical Director, Andy Beckwith, commented:
“Falcon is rapidly becoming a large intrusive gold system at least 2.4km in strike that remains open in all directions.
Extensional RC drilling is defining strong broad gold mineralisation with many holes ending in mineralisation. The first diamond core tail has extended mineralisation down to 250m depth with a true width of approximately 70m. The gold mineralisation is consistent throughout the strongly brecciated and altered intrusion.
Falcon is an exceptional drilling target and drilling is advancing as a priority. The scale of Falcon demonstrates its potential to significantly add to the overall gold endowment at Hemi.
The mineralised footprint at Hemi also remains open to the west of Aquila, to the north-east and west of Brolga, at Brolga south and to the north-west of Crow.”
--- click on link above for more ---
10-Sep-2020: Investor Presentation - September 2020
De Grey Mining (DEG) requested a trading halt before the market opened yesterday, and they remain in that trading halt, which was called for to enable them to arrange and conduct a capital raising. The link above is to the Investor Presentation they put out today as part of that raising. If you look at their share price chart, you can see that they've gone vertical of late, and it's easy to see why they're raising capital up here.
I don't hold DEG shares. I have felt there was too much already baked into the share price, for an explorer and developer. They don't produce anything yet. And their market capitalisation is now over $1.7 Billion!! I know they've been finding gold, and good grades too, but that share price is suggesting that they have a MASSIVE gold deposit - which just has NOT been proven yet. The more they find and report - the more real the picture/dream becomes, but it's just not my cup of chai. I prefer it when I think the company is trading BELOW where they should be, and I can see clear upside, and I can't see clear upside with DEG unfortunately. It might well be there, but I need a lot more proof before I shell out $1.40/share for DEG. However, good luck to all holders.
I've said before, of all the over-hyped gold explorers and developers on our market, DEG is definitely one of a very small group that actually do seem to have a good chance of becoming a mid-tier Australian gold miner in 4 or 5 years' time. It's obvious that they will become a producer if they're not taken out by someone before they reach that point, but I'm saying it looks like they have a decent shot at becoming a serious producer, like top-15 or better, if they keep finding gold at the rate they have been. Unfortunately, from where I sit, I reckon most of that upside is already in their share price. I'm not saying they can't go higher. They probably will. But the risk/reward equation is not favourable at these levels, in my opinion. Too much downside risk if they don't live up to the hype - for me anyway.
13-Aug-2020: Aquila mineralisation extends 400m vertical & New Crow Lode
Aquila mineralisation extends to 400 vertical metres
New lode identified at Crow
De Grey Managing Director, Glenn Jardine, commented:
“Hemi is continuing to build through our drilling, this time with Aquila depth extensions confirmed and a new adjacent lode at Crow which is very encouraging.
Drilling has now extended mineralisation at Aquila to at least 400 vertical metres in the early stage of wide spaced drilling. Aquila stretches for at least 1.6km along strike and remains open in all directions.
A new mineralised lode has also been identified at Crow in proximity to Aquila. This new lode is already known to extend 400m down dip and has the potential to continue along strike. Closer-spaced drilling is being planned to further define mineralisation.
Aircore and RC drilling continues across Hemi with the aim of extending and defining the mineralised footprint. Aircore drilling is in progress in the greater Hemi area to identify new intrusion targets.”
--- click on link above for the full announcement ---
22-June-2020: Further High Grade & Expanded Footprint at Hemi
DEG rose +9.4% today on the back of this. This company is held by Tribeca Global Natural Resources Fund according to their Portfolio Manager (PM), Ben Cleary, (see here, from about the 20 minute mark). Ben likes them a lot. I note that Regal Funds Management used to be substantial shareholders of DEG also, but are not, since mid-September. However, DGO Gold (ASX: DGO) have been increasing their stake and now own 16.35% of DEG, and Regal own 17.13% of DGO.
Have a look at the DGO chart - from 59 cents to $2.70 in 12 months (+358%).
DEG (De Grey) haven't done too bad either - up +801% from 7.1c ($0.071) to 64 cents over the same 12 months.
No wonder Ben Cleary likes them!
These grades that DEG have reported today are NOT spectacular, but you don't need them to be, you just need to have consistently good results over a wide area, and that seems to be what De Grey are achieving.