Company Report
Last edited 2 years ago
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Performance (82m)
2.8% pa
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#ASX Announcements
Added 2 years ago

The trading update this morning has disappointed however I still consider DGL a sold business and I'd be reasonably confident it will sell off significantly today which may present a longer term buying opportunity over the coming day's....let's see what happens!

#strawman meeting guests
Added 2 years ago

Any chance of securing another meet with DGL?

Added 3 years ago

Hopefully I'll find time to delve into DGL financials tonight/tomorrow however on a real quick look (not even a read) it certainly looks as though the sell off is way overdone....maybe I'll be proved wrong once I've had a good read?

Appreciate insights from other holders here if you've had time to review?

#Stock Popped
Added 3 years ago


I think you'll find the "pop" was as a result of a recent buy recommendation by a stock picking service.

#Bull Case
Added 3 years ago


Outlook and Summary

Business continues to perform strongly and in-line with expectations.

Lockdowns across the region, to date, have not had a material impact on our business, with DGL considered part of an ‘essential industry’ in both Australia and New Zealand.

Continuing to see onshoring of international supply in response to global supply chain issues.

Strategy now focused on growing organically and consolidating acquisitions acquired post IPO.

We continue to actively review further targets.

We expect the underlying IPO group1 to exceed the prospectus EBITDA forecast of $29m and we expect to add approximately a further $15m of pro-forma2 EBITDA to pro-forma Group earnings from acquisitions made since 30 June 2021 based on their implied EBITDA at completion.

FY22 earnings guidance will be provided in conjunction with the mid year results.