Company Report
Last edited 12 months ago
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#Director purchase
Added 12 months ago

Director disclosed ~90k shares purchased on market yesterday.

That is a significant purchase and I note that previous announcements have disclosed that they expect to finalize the installation of new compute in April.

good signals

Added one year ago

Could someone with more time than I have available at the moment have a go at a valuation?

Added one year ago

Alot of selling occuring in DUG over the past 3-4 days.

Wilsons (WMI). Who had listed themselves as a significant shareholder since values of ~$1.50-60. They have sold down and are no longer a significant shareholder. They have also listed DUG as a top 20 holding over the same period, which probably equates to about a 5% position for them, at a minimum.

Sheila Lamont, who is the spouse of the founder and MD has sold off 2.5m shares. Together they still hold a significant # of >21m shares. By my calculations they together still own around 20% of the company.

However. This has seen some significant downside to the share price, falling ~20%.

So the question is..... Is now a good time to buy

Added 2 years ago

Announcement below... Another recently highly charged tech stock with pretty significant exposure to SVB. I will expect this craters pretty hard on opening.
