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#Corporate Presentation - "Batt
Added 2 years ago

"Batteries Event", gathers all international battery industry players to discuss developments in all aspects of battery and recycling technology.

A fantastic forum to further promote EGR's technology and lift the companies profile to International players.

For those interested, a copy of the presentation can be found here.

It provides an excellent overview of how what the company is doing and their "positioning" moving forward. Hopefully management can continue to impress the larger players.

Maybe Andrew Spinks could be considered for a future Strawman meeting

#ASX Announcements
Last edited 2 years ago

For anyone interested in following this microcap ....... Another interesting announcement yesterday.

In partnership with FYI.AX

  • Key Highlights
  • Electrochemical performance of the FYI enhanced HPA coated anode in lithium-ion coin cells in excess of 110 continues cycles has achieved near theoretical capacity and outperformed industry standard industry materials
  • Testwork demonstrates performance increases achieved from additional concentrations of FYI's HPA combined with EcoGraf’s graphite
  • Positive results from the application FYI HPA being applied to the polyolefin separators showing a further improvement of 7.94 mAh/g reversible capacity
  • Independent electrochemical testwork underway with partners and battery manufacturers
  • Further advanced testwork underway pairing the enhanced HPA anode with HPA coating on polyolefin separator

Read full announcement here:

Just illustrates what's in the pipeline and how they are continuing to position themselves in order to move into the larger EV market. Now just need to line up all the ducks!!

#Annual Report
Added 2 years ago

Interesting outlook. Not sure how current climate will generate headwinds. Would be great if they were generating profits. Still like insight & direction, but looks a long term proposition.

#Annual Report
Added 2 years ago

#ASX Announcements
Added 2 years ago

Following approaches from European & North American EV manufactures, Ecograf intend to ramp up plans for it's BAM facility in WA.

Small steps, but I believe the EGR is flying under the radar. I just seem to like the direction and foresight that management is taking which is going in order to position the company going forward.

Maybe Andrew Spinks might be a worthy candidate for a future Strawman meeting???????

Read full announcement here

Disc. Hold in RL & SM

#Business Model/Strategy
Added 3 years ago

I am certainly not a sophisticated investor, so while many analysts are not interested in this company, I see much future potential in what they are doing & where they are heading - especially in the new regulatory climate in Europe.

While there is no new announcement on the ASX, can someone suggest a possible reason why there has been a 16% rise in the share price this afternoon????

#Bull Case
Added 3 years ago

FINALLY!!!!! ........ after several positive announcements, we see a move in the price. Yesterday's & Today's ASX announcement are listed below.

Believe that the ducks are aligning and all the hard work by management will pay off as the move to electric cars gathers momentum, particularly in Europe & Asia. A long term investment ....... sure ....... but great to be a part of an exciting future.

#Business Model/Strategy
Added 4 years ago

Very interesting interview with EGR's chairman (Andrew Spinks) on ASX Investor Channel today.

Seems that development in Anode material is well under way.  While many other companies are concentrating on recovering the rare earth materials, Ecograf has recognised that the graphite is most important for ALL types of batteries, irrespective of the existing and emerging chemistry used.

Europe big existing market which is looking for suppliers outside China.  EGR eco-credentials make them very attractive in order to meet impending new recycling targets.  US & India provide further long-term opportunities.

Believe the strong management team is on the right path - and the company's intergrated system is well ahead of competitiors.

Disc.  Have a small holding

#Bull Case
Added 4 years ago

Another positive ASX announcement (16/08/21).  ......... (despite a drop in the share price today)

Pilot study endorses the construction of recycling plant.  Management seems appears very proactive in persuing opportunities, particularly in the European/Asian markets.

I understand that this is a long term investment, however they are in a long way into their R&D program, I feel that they can hold their own against much of the competition - esp. in light of the "Green" credentials that will become increasingly important ove rthe ensuing years. 

I can't see why the future is not going to be very positive.

Disclosure - I hold a very small no. of shares.

#ASX Announcements
Added 4 years ago

Everything now in place!!!  Provided SungEel come up with a positive evaluation of anode recycling (at  commercial/industrial level) , then massive Asian & European potential.

View Attachment

#ASX Announcements
Added 4 years ago

The more I research this co, the more I like what I see.

ASX announcement:   (too large to attach)  Looks very promising for the Tanz. mine.  Along with the re-cycling facility, the demand (should) continue well into the future as EV's begin to replace the internal combustion vehicles.

I believe (gut feeling only) is that they are a long way ahead of others, are well positioned to give them a competive edge.

Others here believe it is under valued - which I agree.  Will be holding for the longer term.

Anyone done any research into the leadership of the company?