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#Webinar 18/3/21
Added 4 years ago

EcoGraf and First Sentier Sharecafe Hidden Gems Webinar 12/3/21

EcoGraf Limited (EcoGraf or the Company) (ASX: EGR) is pleased to advise that a recording is available on its website of a presentation by EcoGraf’s Executive Director – Finance, Mr. Howard Rae, for the Sharecafe Hidden Gems Webinar held on 12 March 2021, that focussed on the clean/green energy sector.

The recording also includes a keynote speech delivered at the webinar by Mr. Tim Canham, Senior Portfolio Manager, Emerging Companies at First Sentier Investors, which is EcoGraf’s largest shareholder

First Sentier Investors ~ 0 to approx 17:00

EcoGraph ~ approx 17:00 to end, approx 34 mins

Disc : I hold

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#Mineral Recycling Forum
Added 4 years ago

EcoGraf features at 

Mineral Recycling Forum 2021 ~ Tues 9 Feb 2021

EcoGraf was pleased to present its vertically integrated battery anode materials business at the Informed Mineral Recycling Forum with Maria Nyberg, Policy Advisor for the European Commission that provided an overview of the latest policy landscape for critical raw materials and recycling.

Recording features:

  • Maria Nyberg, European Commission from 00:13 min
  • Andrew Spinks, EcoGraf from 21:27 min
  • QA with host Mike O’Driscoll from 42:09 min

#ASX Announcement 4/2/21
Added 4 years ago

European Trading and Proposed US Listing of EcoGraf Shares

EcoGraf Limited (EcoGraf or the Company) (ASX: EGR) is pleased to provide an update regarding international trading through its secondary listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under code “FMK”.

The listing provides valuable exposure for the Company to European investors and EcoGraf has observed increased investment through the Frankfurt Stock Exchange over the past month with the JP Morgan Nominees holding account for the European platform increasing from 12.5% to over 19.6% of the Company’s issued capital. 1

This increased trading activity is considered to be in response to the recent announcements from the EU Commission foreshadowing new legislation to require greater recycling, visibility, and traceability of raw materials within the electric vehicle (‘EV’) supply chain. An aspiration fully consistent with the Company’s vertically integrated eco-friendly battery anode materials and recycling business for the lithium-ion battery markets.

As a result, EcoGraf is expanding its investor services to shareholders and investors in Europe and is also pursuing further international investor exposure by investigating potential trading on the ‘Over the Counter’ Market (OTC) in the United States.

This move is in response to the surging investor interest in the USA for the electric vehicle sector and its supply chain, which has been recently stimulated by President Biden announcing plans to replace the US Government vehicle fleet with electric vehicles and supporting the global shift to EV’s.

The OTC Markets Group is one of the largest and best-known trading networks in the US. It consists of three stock exchanges: OTC Pink, OTCQB, and OTCQX. (further information is available at: The Company is currently investigating a dual listing on the OTCQX which is the highest quality tier, with electronic trading via registration with the Depositary Trust Company (DTC).

This announcement is authorised for release by Andrew Spinks, Managing Director

1 ~JP Morgan Nominees does not have a relevant interest in these shares and acts solely as a nominee for the investors on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.

DISC: I hold

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#ASX Announcement 1/2/21
Added 4 years ago

Anode Recycling Program for Major Electric Vehicle Manufacturer Delivers Outstanding Results


EcoGraf Limited (EcoGraf or the Company) (ASX: EGR) is pleased to announce the outcome of a recent testwork program utilising the Company’s ‘HF free’ proprietary purification process to recover carbon anode material from production waste generated during the manufacture of lithium-ion batteries.

Outstanding results of >99.95% carbon purity achieved during the recycling program which confirms the effectiveness of the EcoGraf™ process in recovering graphite anode material to the specification required for re-use in lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles.

DISC: I hold

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#ASX Announcement 25/1/21
Added 4 years ago

Western Australian EcoGraf™ Battery Graphite Facility Advancing to Development EcoGraf Limited (ACN 117 330 757) (“EcoGraf” or the “Company”) (ASX: EGR) is pleased to report a positive start to the year with encouraging development progress across its vertically integrated ‘HF free’ graphite businesses.

During the recent quarter the Company submitted detailed development reports and engineering study information to Export Finance Australia as part of securing a US$35m (A$45m) project debt facility to underpin the new 20,000 tonnes per annum EcoGraf™ Battery Graphite Facility. Supporting reports are being compiled and will be completed shortly, following which final credit approvals are expected, a process that typically takes up to two months.

As a result, the Company is currently also finalising arrangements for the detailed engineering design and procurement programs in preparation for construction. The new Western Australian EcoGraf™ Battery Graphite Facility will be the Company’s first facility and the first to be established outside of China.

The Company has received strong support from anode cell, battery and electric vehicle manufacturers for alternative supplies of high quality, sustainably produced battery graphite to support the massive global investment underway in new electric vehicles and lithium-ion battery capacity

DISC: I hold

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