Greencross has a number of potential profit drivers:
Network expansion:
Claims it has the potential to open 350 retail stores. It currently has 247, up from 240 at end of FY17 (opened 19 in FY17)
Is targeting 120 in-store clinics, currently has 45 as of H1 2018. 6 more than at the end of FY2017. (It opened a total of 22 in FY17)
Private label
Would help improve gross margins. Currently represents 20% of all retail sales. Believes it can push this to 25% in the medium term
Growth here has been strong, but off a low base. Up 92% H12017 to H12018
Industry growth
expected to be 2-3% annually
Increasing market share
Currently just 9%
Store Maturity
Ramp up of sales in immature stores (– ~60% of Greencross’ retail stores are < 4 years old. The average time to store maturity is 5 to 6 years.) So same store sales should look better than usual in coming years, but will largely be due to this effect