I just checking what HMC Captial (HMC) is all about.
A mini Macquarie bank????? Market Cap $88Billion
HMC market cap $4.81Bill
$400m iseek acquisition & DigiCo platform update - HMC Capital
A recent IPO in November 2024 at circo $8 now trades at $11 up 38% .So will monitor ..The IPO generally costs fees with corporate bankers involved so will see if these fees are absorbed as they go along.
Press they button at $10 or $11
Who are HMC?
Investor Centre - HMC Capital
Kelly is there..

Numbers look .ok or is it growth via aquistition??

How / what do HMC?

Plenty of assets

Return (inc div) 1yr: 141.09% 3yr: 17.73% pa 5yr: 30.03% pa

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