First in market automated culture plate reader aiming for genuine disruption in global microbiology lab workflows.
No other instrument in the world can automatically scan a culture plate and provide a positive or negative reading. Labs can read thousands of culture plates everyday, and this is currently done manually. The LBT APAS instrument frees up lab staff so they ONLY have to look at the "positive" results (maybe 5 in a thousand).
It does this using proprietary artificial intelligence that is continually added to with every scan globally.
Currently the traditional culture plate reading workflow of a lab has almost no automation worldwide and certainly no diagnostic automation (picture person leaning over microscope peering at a culture plate like in the movies). Only LBT's instrument can automate the diagnostic step of looking at a plate and analysing what's happening.
Labs can choose a competitors $5million dollar end to system (copan wasp) that DOES NOT automatically read culture plates. It's so big you actually have to lay a concrete slab and take up a whole room.
OR they can buy an LBT APAS instrument for $300k that they simply wheel in (its about as big as a photcopier).
There is no device in between the two.
They've turned a corner.
After recently signing a US distributor (Thermofisher: biggest distributor of lab equipment in the united states)...
The machines have started to sell.
After only 5 device sales in two years (going it alone during covid with no distributor).....labs are now opening their non-virology related wallets and they have sold 6 instruments in 6 weeks in the US.
They are benefiting from a post-covid tailwind.
Devices cost $300k, cost $100k to build, last 5-7 years, and each diagnostic module used by it earns 30k per year in recurring annual license fees.
The only debt LBT has is the remains of a $4million loan from the Sth Australian government that they are due to complete paying off by 2024 (250k a quarter).
Optionality also seems to be on the cards with the potential development of the instrument for big pharmaceutical clean rooms (where they make pharmaceuticals). The instrument would automate the current manual process of someone actually looking at culture plates to ensure manufacturing rooms are health grade clean. This would take the instrument out of micobiology labs into a far bigger addressable market on an exponential level.
The instrument only provides an evolutionary not a revolutionary leap for improving lab workflows
It's just a big
Disclosure, I hold IRL.