Painchek has risen from 2.9c to 4.2c in the last week off no ASX announcements and with good trading volume. Investsmart (Alan Kohler) did interview the CEO, Philip Daffas on Thursday - perhaps that was the genesis? The next 4C is due within a week - so will know soon whether was a leaky ship or some are seeing some good long term value.
Some near term catalysts are:
- lodging of the FDA application for approval later this year
- hard launch of the Infant App in Australia. Supposedly launching internationally later this year
- Further growth of UK sales, which have been strong and now include partner channels
- Launch into Germany
- Update on trials - hospital, NHS and disability
In the investsmart interview, PD advised a capital raise likely to fund expansion into the US after FDA approval.
Own in SM and RL.