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#Business Model/Strategy
Last edited 5 years ago

March 2019:  Uranium miner.  One of the few that have survived the huge downturn in the uranium price over recent years.  Set to benefit from a strongly rising uranium price - when that happens.  See:

and here:

and here:

and here:

and here:

and here:

and here:

and here:

That last one is 10 month's old, being posted on Livewire by Tim Boreham of "Independent Investment Research" in mid-May 2018.  It is titled, "On the Crest of a Uranium Wave?".   If so, it was a pretty slow-moving wave.  Such predictions often do come true, but take much longer than many may have expected.  Uranium prices have to rise, because they're still below the cost of production for most producers, and demand is rising.  It's really basic supply and demand.  The links towards the top of that list are the most recent and therefore paint the most accurate picture of the current situation.  The situation in the USA is holding uranium back currently (explained well in those top few articles), but that will be resolved this year and most industry participants have said they expect uranium to surge after that, regardless of which way that decision goes.  PDN is one of the most obvious ways to play this theme via the ASX.

Update:  It didn't happen in 2019.  2020 is all about COVID-19.  Perhaps 2021? Or 2022?

#Section 232 Decision
Last edited 5 years ago
#Quarterly Reports
Last edited 5 years ago

18 July 2019:  Quarterly Activities Report for Period Ending 30 June 2019

The following was included:

The TradeTech weekly spot price average for the June quarter was US$24.83/lb, an 11% decrease compared to the previous quarter.  The US Department of Commerce’s Section 232 investigation into US uranium imports weighed heavily over the market during the period, with quarterly market activity reduced by more than 50% and uranium spot prices falling in the wake of this reduced demand.  A decision by United States President Donald Trump to decline issuing quotas for US domestic uranium production was announced on 12 July 2019.  The decision is expected to encourage additional buying activity and contribute to improved market conditions moving forward. 
Planned nuclear phase-outs in Germany and Belgium continue to generate opposition.  The German government has received escalating calls from major business leaders to delay plans to implement a full-scale shutdown by 2022. Climate protection and availability of affordable baseload generating capacity have been cited in support of nuclear energy in the country.  Meanwhile, the Belgian grid operator has advised that Belgium is not ready for any scenario where nuclear power plants are closed.  The current shutdown schedule has all Belgian reactors closed by the end of 2025, however, the grid operator has stated that a serious capacity crisis would result even allowing for a more gradual closure schedule. 
Japan’s government has adopted a new energy policy that suggests the country must rely on a larger share of nuclear and renewables to slash its carbon emissions and meet its target of a 26% reduction by 2030.  The move comes as operation of re-started nuclear plants is threatened by delays in completion of anti-terrorism protection work.  A failure to meet deadlines imposed by the Nuclear Regulation Authority could result in several reactors being forced to shut down until the work is completed. 
Officials have reported that China could build as many as 30 overseas reactors by 2030 via rollout of the country’s “Belt and Road Initiative”.  Exports of nuclear power technology has been adopted as a state strategy with financial and policy support currently under development. 
Yours faithfully,

Paladin Energy Ltd 

#Quarterly Reports
Last edited 5 years ago

18-Apr-19:  Quarterly Activity Report for period ending 31 March 2019

Paladin are a uranium miner that doesn't mine any uranium - currently - due to depressed prices - they are waiting for the price to rise before restarting operations.  As I have mentioned elsewhere, I am bullish on uranium over calendar 2019 and 2020 and I think that holding PDN is an obvious exposure to a rising uranium price - I also hold DYL, PEN & VMY.  Of course, I could also be wrong...  It wouldn't be the first time.

So what sort of activities would be in an activities report for a miner that doesn't do any mining?  


  • Langer Heinrich Mine (LHM)
    • Concept study to optimise LHM in preparation for a restart decision returned positive results, identifying multiple options to lower costs
    • Two-stage Prefeasibility Study (PFS) to further develop LHM restart plans commenced in March 2019
    • First stage of PFS to refine rapid restart plan expected to be completed by September 2019
    • Second stage of PFS for process optimisation expected to be completed by March 2020
    • Approach retains rapid restart potential while developing cost reduction and vanadium production opportunities as uranium prices improve
    • Targeting aspirational average LHM life of mine all-in costs of US$30/lb (after vanadium credits)
    • Production ready from early to mid-2021
    • Restart of LHM only if sustainable uranium price will provide appropriate return on investment 


  • Kayelekera Mine (KM)
    • No water treatment undertaken during the quarter due to below average rainfall
    • Target levels achieved for all water storage ponds


  • Cash and cash equivalents at 31 March 2019 of US$29.9M (excluding restricted cash of US$11.2M)