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#Bear Case
Added 6 years ago

The biggest bear case is in the auditor's report in the half yearly

"In exercising this judgement the Group has determined that the appropriate accounting policy for PDPs is to recognise and subsequently measure PDPs at fair value through profit or loss as disclosed in Note 6.  An alternative judgement of the application of the requirements of AASB 9 to the Group's circumstances would require the Group to initially recognise PDPs at fair value and subsequently measure them at amortised cost. The fair value of PDPs would be disclosed  in the notes to the financial statements.

Subsequently measuring PDPs at amortised cost could have a material impact on opening retained earnings on initial adoption of AASB 9 and on revenue from operations, net impairment losses on financial assets and financial assets at fair value through profit or loss for the half-year"

1HFY19 Peer Comparison

CCP: $252m collections on $384m PDPs on balance sheet
PNC: $52m collections on $244m PDPs on balance sheet