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#International Health Care Fund
Last edited 4 years ago


Part of's FUNDS OF THE FUTURE series

9TH NOV, 20:  Platinum: There's a revolution in biotech and you need to be part of it

By JAMES MARLAY, Livewire Markets

Investing in biotech is often seen as binary: you either win big or lose everything. The success of CSL has been well chronicled, however, is it possible to consistently pick long-term winners within an industry rampant with regulation and experimental uncertainty?

Having cut her teeth as a research scientist, Dr Bianca Ogden of Platinum Asset Management is not your average fundie. Dr Ogden fell into funds management after being intrigued by a simple question: How on earth can senior executives make decisions of what drug to develop when they are not in the lab? This grew into a passion for understanding the keys to success within the healthcare industry, and after 17 years of working for Platinum, she has not looked back.

"In the 17 years I've worked in funds management, I have never experienced the speed and excitement of new technologies that we are seeing today."

In this edition of Funds of the Future, Dr Ogden sat down with me to discuss emerging trends in the biotech sector and how the Platinum International Health Care Fund  is looking to play these.

--- click on the link at the top to read the whole article ---

[I do NOT currently hold PTM shares, which is Platinum Asset Management, the manager of the various Platinum funds.  At this point, two of those funds are listed on the ASX, being Platinum Capital (PMC) and Platinum Asia Investments (PAI).  They also have a number of unlisted funds, including the one discussed in this article - the Platinum International Health Care Fund.  Platinum WERE the leading global investment managers based here in Australia, but have been overtaken in recent years by Hamish Douglass' Magellan Financial Group (MFG), and the outstanding performance of the various Magellan funds.  Kerr Neilson's Platinum tend to focus predominantly on Asia, while Magellan's have traditionally invested more in the leading U.S. tech stocks (except for Amazon, which Hamish likes a lot but can't justify buying based on the market valuation).  Interestingly, both Platinum and Magellan are serious investors in both Alibaba and Tencent, the two largest Chinese-based tech giants, who both do business globally and are both very exciting companies.  I have made money owning PTM shares in prior years.  Lately, I have been holding PAI shares, but in the past week have sold them and rotated that money into EAI - Ellerston Asian Investments - because I think EAI is a better opportunity at this point, and I really like Mary Manning's communication and investment style.  However, for a dedicated global health care fund, this Platinum fund sounds interesting to me.  Pity it isn't ASX-listed.]

#Platinum vs Magellan
Last edited 4 years ago

"We always overestimate the change that will occur in the next two years and underestimate the change that will occur in the next ten." - Bill Gates

Magellan vs Platinum,   or   Hamish Douglas vs Andrew Clifford: 

17-Sep-19 - The two CIOs of our two most prominent ASX-listed global funds management businesses (MFG & PTM) have been doing a few odd joint interviews over the past year or two, and this one is a good one.  In this "Livewire Live 2019" piece, Patrick Poke from Livewire Markets reviews the latest joint interview between those two CIOs whose views are often very, very different (but who both own Ali Baba, the "Amazon of China"; in fact, Magellan are a top-10 shareholder of Ali Baba).

If you want to skip to the video - click here:

I always think that Hamish Douglass comes off looking and sounding far better than Andrew Clifford does whenever they go head to head, but good on Andrew for having a go once more.  It is interesting how they have similar ideas or viewpoints on some things, such as the opportunity that exists in the rise of the Chinese consumer (& associated consumer expenditure in China) but how they tend to approach participation in that theme in completely different ways (- for the most part, except for Ali Baba clearly, which they both hold).  Anyway, I strongly recommend watching this video. 

Magellan has two key consultants on the topic of interest rates; Kevin Warsh, a former Federal Reserve member who may serve as the next President of the Fed, and none other than Janet Yellen herself, the previous President of the Fed.  Hamish says their advice played a role in him adjusting his views on rates. He now sees three percent as a base case for long term rates, but says that scenarios between zero and two percent shouldn't be ruled out.  These sort of insights have implications for the Australian market as well of course. 

Andrew's view is that negative interest rates are unsustainable and could destroy the banking sector in some countries, so he believes that central banks have done about as much as they can and we're going to get fiscal stimulus in a range of countries and regions and that could lead to increased demand for materials and that in turn could lead to inflation which would support higher rates.

Hamish says that, above all, locking yourself into one view and one position is dangerous and you have to be ready to adapt quickly, because while it's good to have a view (and they have a view) on what is most likely to happen, you have to keep in mind that a range of other eventualities is entirely possible.  He also said that while he has the best advisers, his team doesn't always agree with them either.  So, have a view based on good, sound reasoning, and position accordingly, but don't be locked in to that position - be ready to adapt - and fast, because things can and do change, and sometimes very rapidly.  Very good reading/viewing!

#Bear Case
Added 4 years ago

07-Mar-2020:  In this very recent "Buy Hold Sell" segment from Livewire Markets, Ben Clark from TMS Capital makes a pretty solid BEAR case for PTM, starting at around the 3:42 mark (3 mins, 42 seconds):