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Last edited 6 years ago
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#Bull Case
Last edited 6 years ago

I'm not being facetious when I say I do not see the long-term downside for this company.  The company has massive market-share for real estate advertising.  Notwithstanding the impending property market correction I imagine vendors are going to have to remain competive in advertising even if they are ultimately accepting less for their properties as supply catches up.  I think this company will continue to perform and demonstrate resilient pricing power during the next property down-turn whenever that may occur.

Perhaps the Wolves of Wall Street out there can tell me how this greedy piggy has built a house made from straw.

** Edit 5/07/2019 ** I had even less idea when I posted this than I do now.  I’m closing this recommendation today with the price reaching my arbitrary guesstimate of intrinsic value through a combination of luck and possibly inflation.  Needless to say, there was no ‘margin of safety’ for me in this one.

Last edited 6 years ago

A review of the material elsewhere on Strawman has forced me to more objectively consider the cyclical risks facing REA Group going forward.  I maintain that the buisness model will continue to produce significant revenue even during slowing or negative growth in housing.  However, I think the biggest risks attached to the ongoing return on this investment in such times may come from:

  • A likely hit to the premium it currently enjoys.  With a price per earnings of 43 the company would be due for a significant re-rate in a housing down-turn and any associated broader macro trends in Australia, such as a recession; and
  • The company is now carrying significant debt.  Servicing this debt in a higher interest rate environment would eat away at the company's profit margins.

I maintain my forecast at this time as I make know pretence of knowing how long the good times are going to continue.  For my part though I have reduced my own position by 50% and am applying the capital to other opportunities to rebalance my portfolio a bit.  I was concerned about leaving too much on the table if this is indeed a late stage bull market.