Company Report
Last edited one year ago
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Performance (57m)
2.7% pa
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Added one year ago

@nessy Yep the fundamentals look good: ROE nice growth, debt to equity ok, Net profit Margin in the mid teens. Just the share price has gone nowhere in the last 12 months. The share price trend does not look good. So i am on the side-lines with SDF. I have had better returns on SUN with a lower 'Net profit Margin' of ~10

Yep insurance should out perform, be a strong sector but it has not performed during the interest rate reset we had to have.

#Director purchase
Added 2 years ago
  • Summary: Appendix 3Y

Name of Director: Vicki Allen

STEADFAST GROUP LIMITED (ASX:SDF) - Ann: Appendix 3Y, page-1 - HotCopper | ASX Share Prices, Stock Market & Share Trading Forum

Value/Consideration: details and estimated valuation $27,950 ($5.59 per share)

Securities held after change 50,000 


More about SDF

Board And Management - Steadfast


Vicki Allen

Non-Executive Director (independent)

Vicki has over 30 years of business experience across the financial services and property sectors. She held senior executive roles at a number of organisations including Trust Company, MLC Limited and Lend Lease Corporation. Vicki is currently the Chair of the BT Funds board, and a Non-Executive Director of Bennelong Funds Management. She is a fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

The Business:


Our underwriters have years of experience in local and open markets. We look to provide a holistic solution to your insurance needs, using our expertise as well as the latest technology and resources.

Exotic Car Insurance link below

Dawes | First Class Insurance | First Class Vehicles

#SDF FY23 Investor Present
Added 2 years ago

Equity brokers (including Network) aggregate underlying EBITA +27.7% (refer slide 20)

 Underwriting agencies’ aggregate underlying EBITA +15.7% (refer slide 21) Diluted EPS growth

 Diluted EPS growth driven by organic and acquisition growth Acquisition growth

 Completed EPS accretive acquisitions for an outlay of $574.2m1 including IBA (refer slide 7) Future growth

 As at today, debt facility capacity of $378.5m available to fund acquisitions (plus free cash flow

Participating on the SCTP across four product lines – Commercial Property & ISR, Strata, Liability and Professional Indemnity

You dont like paying insurance.. Well buy these dudes: SDF


Return (inc div)   1yr: 10.90%   3yr: 22.73% pa   5yr: 16.71% pa

Steady growth.

Put the premiums up .. they will pay


#Results August
Added 2 years ago

Notice of FY23 Results

Steadfast Group (ASX:SDF) will be releasing its FY23 results on Thursday, 17 August 2023

#Becoming a substantial holder
Added 2 years ago

Fillin the truck ....errr the Van up with more units.......

Class of securities Number of securities Person’s votes Voting power

Ordinary 52,068,661 52,068,661 5.014%


SDF had a good year Quality stuff here Some capital growth , EPS growth is good

Gross Divi at 3.3%

Pe ratio is up high 20% signs of quality stuff here..


Inflate the Premiums the customer will pay..

Steadfast Group Limited (SDF) provides services to steadfast Network brokers, distribution of insurance policies via insurance brokerages and underwriting agencies, and related services. The Group's corporate structure includes equity investments in insurance intermediary entities (insurance broking and underwriting agencies), premium funders and complementary businesses. They majorly operate in Australasia, with growing operations in Asia and Europe.