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Last edited 5 years ago
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#Bull Case
Last edited 5 years ago

Nice update this morning sparking plenty of intertest in TNT

Being a fairly large position for me I have continued to dig into this one. I am by no means an expert on Cyber security but have manged to get in contact and chat with a few people who are and the concensus feedback I got was amongst the listed plays, TNT is by far the best option.

Check out this Gov report. Cleary the think TNT has the capabilities across the board.

Pure security = TNT

#Bull Case
Added 5 years ago

Big news in the Cyber security space today with Scott Morrison in the press announcing Australia had suffered an attack.

Volume came rushing in for TNT in the morning. I topped up in my personal portfolio at 0.067. By the end of the day volume was epic and we closed right on the highs.

This bodes well for another strong open on Monday and I think this story and momentum has a long run way now, especialy with TNT offering the best listed exposure. 

Also just a note for those of us who struggle to buy on big up days, take a look a the chart of this stock from Jan -Feb this year and notice how quick it shot up from 4c to 10c.

This name can really move when it gets some attention and even after todays big rise it is still on at the same price as a couple of weeks ago.

#Bull Case
Added 5 years ago

After noticing a few small cap investors and Funds all over this one, I took a look and by coincidence really like it on the chart. I respect the analysis of those I followed into this one and think it is at a nice level.

That being said I will treat this as more of a trade and if things turn down I will be getting out not topping up.