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#H1FY21 Results 17/2/21
Added 3 years ago

Financial Highlights in 1H21:

• Statutory NPAT (post AASB 16) of $17.0 million, up 79.3% on the prior corresponding period (pcp)

• NPAT (pre AASB 16)1,2 of $16.3 million, up 46.5% on the pcp

• EBIT (pre AASB 16)1,2 of $23.3 million, up 44.9% on the pcp

• EBITDA (pre AASB 16)1,2 of $31.1 million, up 20.8% on the pcp

• Sales of $434.3 million, down 0.3% on the pcp

• Comparable store sales were flat on the pcp

• Strong balance sheet with $107.6 million cash and no drawn debt (Dec-19: net cash position of $51.9 million)

• The Company has not received any JobKeeper wage subsidies

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Valuation of $2.00
Added 5 years ago
Worst management going around with no skin in the game. Watch this space for some investor activism. I'd stay away for now.
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