Andrew pitches Integrated Research (ASX:IRI), Claude makes the case for Xref (ASX:XF1), and we answer some questions from listeners.
Andrew pitches Integrated Research (ASX:IRI), Claude makes the case for Xref (ASX:XF1), and we answer some questions from listeners.
“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated” Confucius The same could be said of investing, where the complexity bias — a logical fallacy which equates complexity with accuracy — results in a proliferation of highly detailed models and valuations. But, to paraphrase Joel Greenblatt; if you can easily and simply explain why something’s a great business, and how […]
So I’m long Bitcoin. It’s a bit uncomfortable to admit, because there’s such wide scepticism concerning crypto among a lot of smart people. And it’s hard to deny there’s a huge amount of hype and speculation surrounding the whole affair. I’m sure a lot of people will get burnt. Back in 2017 when Bitcoin first came to global attention, I […]
It wasn’t a great week for the market, with the All Ordinaries dropping a further 3% from its August all-time high. And there’s plenty of reasons to be nervous. The US Federal Reserve is winding back stimulus and signalling higher lending costs. China — our largest trading partner — is facing a potential credit squeeze and property market slump, while trade […]
Even the most serious of investors can’t resist a bit of scandal, rumor, and gossip. The Australian Financial Review’s coverage of Mineral Resources (ASX:MIN) and WiseTech Global (ASX:WTC) — specifically, the controversies relating to the (alleged) behavior of their founder-CEOs — is perhaps proof of that. It’s almost enough to make New Idea look like the Harvard Business Review in comparison. Still, […]