Hi Everyone,
For the sofdra launch and upcoming half year report from Botanix, I have done some conversions on the Kaken ecclock sales data to try and get an idea of if we launched on par with the Kaken ecclock launch what sort of revenue we might be looking at as a base case.
Unit sales estimate from Euroz table.

kaken 3Q report, target for annual 2,200m Yen this FY

Potential Sofdra sales using Ecclock unit sales adjusted for US population (to factor in some people not being insured I have used a factor of 2 for US pop : Japan Pop when in reality it is 2.6x
Estimating that of the total units of ecclock sold on average there were 2 scripts per individual. Botanix presentations suggest that it is on average a bit less than 2 scripts per individual.
I have worked off an average of 6 repeats per US user and the usual $450 / person and 0.65c AUD - USD.
With the sales team in place I would be hoping for a better launch and more traction than Japan had so thinking these numbers are possibly on the conservative side.

I am thinking this might be close to a base case for the launch considering we have *hopefully* a better sales force, more experience management and the platform factor as well.
Interested to hear everyone's thoughts on this as a base case, possibly reads as a bull case when you look at the numbers though.
Disc held IRL & SM