Forum Topics DRO DRO ASX Announcements

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Added a month ago

Nice repeat government contract win, additional material contracts expected to follow.

Drone Shield Awarded $5.7 Million U.S. Government Contract

Hold IRL & SM

a month ago

Watch out for Oleg and Peter selling some time in the next week ;)

I'm wondering whether DRO will stop talking about this sort of order soon given that they seem to be indicating that their average order size is expected to get significantly larger and given there appear to be about 13 x $5m+ opportunities in their funnel.



a month ago

My understanding is that Oleg anticipates and also prefers to receive many 'ongoing' smaller orders of $1-2million. This make fulfilling orders much more manageable from an inventory perspective and also negates the need to report these smaller orders as ASIC announcements. If they are continually getting multiple $1-2mill orders then it makes the quarterly 4c's so much more interesting as revenues are very hard to predict for shareholders.

Oleg spoke a little about these smaller orders in the Commsec Executive Series video released this week. See link below.


a month ago

How did Droneshield become my largest

I'm finding it incredibly hard to take it's such a new market and who knows how it will pan out, and who will be the leader in the space.

I'm torn between the notion I should just sell some of my holding and take profit....


Keep to the mantra of never sell a winning I'll regret it forever if it inexplicably just keeps winning...

Would love to hear other people's thoughts.....I can't be alone.


a month ago

Not advice but I sold just under a1/3rd of my RL holding not out of the concerns on its value but, because I wanted to take a meaningful RL stake in QOR which, after some long nights of looking into it I think has a significant chance of re-rating or being bought out. It also helps balance out my portfolio a little. Along with BOT my RL portfolio was getting a little overweight across only two stocks. I guess it’s a good problem to have. Only thing is I forgot is to buy DRO in my Strawman account…oops. However, no offense to Andrew but, it’s better to have bought iRL.


a month ago

You are not alone … however, I’m looking for some tax losses at the moment so DRO definitely doesn’t fall into that camp. Ask me again on 1 July.

Interesting observation: they claim their pro-forma cash balance is about 171m as at March. That’s a bit over 23c per share. More than the purchase price of the majority of my holdings.


4 weeks ago

It’s my largest holding IRL at the moment too. I guess as soon as I sell i have to pay 22.5% tax, so I just can’t justify selling something without feeling like it will fall a minimum of that in the not to distant future. I wouldn’t be surprised if it did but I just can’t pick it.

I’m trying to step away from my winners at the moment and let them run, I’ve been too cute in the past thinking things are overvallued, so unless the thesis is broken then i’m staying put.

I got a nice little profit from Dimerix the other day at 31 cents… so cute….


4 weeks ago

In a similar position to you @topowl and FWIW my IRL approach was to take a little off the top around 1.10. I do however hold 85% of my purchased shares and don't intend to sell down further in the absence of negative news... I guess in a nutshell I would argue that rather than a binary decision you have to choose where on the spectrum of holding 0% to 100% of your purchased Droneshield shares you'd like to be... Or indeed 150% if you felt the SP below fair value... For me personally I probably wouldn't have sold even the 15% I did if I hadn't required some cash short term because the thesis remains intact and the valuation is not ridiculous (in my eyes)


4 weeks ago

Thanks Guys,

Appreciate your thoughts !