Forum Topics CGS CGS Notice of Initial Substantial

Pinned straw:

Added 6 months ago

This one from Cogstate (CGS) flew under the radar today - Notice of Initial Substantial Holder.

Anacacia Capital has picked up a lazy 10,424,974 shares amounting to 6.1% of CGS over the last 4 months (if I have read this correctly).

This probably explains the ~14% jump in SP today, albeit off a low base and low volume. Prior to today's pop, CGS was circling around 12-month lows, and points which have not been seen too often since circa 2021.

There hasn't been much (price sensitive) news regarding the company for some time, but it has been buying back shares since Feb 2023, amounting to a total of 3.753 million shares bought back for a total consideration of the best part of $5.6 million.

This has been a bit quiet ever since the whole takeover debacle early last year, @Noddy74 did a ripper job summarising it here. It's essentially been trading sideways since, while the overall market has trended up since then, CGS hasn't. I would hazard a guess Mr. Market is looking for some positive news to reinstate confidence.

As a previous top-10 SM stock, could we see a return to the rankings?

I was about to ask @Strawman to see if we can get the CEO Brad on to get his thoughts on business progress but it looks like this is already penned in for the 26th February; I'm looking forward to hearing from him to get an update.

Currently HOLD here, and IRL - but, will be paying close attention to their half yearly report (22nd Feb).

4 weeks ago

Anacacia added another 1% on market as per yesterdays notice.


Given there has been no news from CGS for sometime, I'm waiting for the Aug results to consider what to do with my position.
