Company Report
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#Half Yearly
Added 6 months ago

Cogstate (CGS) reported this morning with a fairly underwhelming set of results for 1H24.

Much of their reporting is against PCP numbers rather than 2H23, as they typically have a strong 2H than 1H during the FY (according to the release).

  • Revenue growth has slowed and was actually down from 2H23 ($20.2m vs. $20.9m) through a reduction in Clinic Trials Revenue
  • Revenue was up 3% from the PCP
  • Concerning, contracted future revenue is down to 123.7 million, this was 146.7 for 1H23.
  • Positively costs were down 9% on PCP and 6% on 2H23 numbers, due to lower salary, and a reduction in FT workforce (aka layoffs)
  • Cash flow from operating activities (excluding "passthrough" - someone please explain to me what this is) was at $0.5m mil
  • Net Cash on hand sites at a nice $24.4m
  • The company has and (IMO, strangely) continues to buy-back shares, see excerpt below:

"The Board of Directors has resolved to commence a further on-market share buy-back of up to 5 million of Cogstate’s issued ordinary shares over the next 12 months (“Share Buyback”). Under the previous share buyback which commenced on 28 February 2023 and was closed on 4 December 2023, 3,753,218 ordinary shares were acquired on-market, for a total cost of A$5,589,131. The new Share Buyback program reflects the Cogstate Board’s maintained belief in the business’ future commercial prospects, the business’ strong capital position, and supports the Board’s ambition to improve returns for shareholders. The timing and number of shares to be purchased under the Share Buyback will depend on the prevailing share price, market conditions and the capital position and requirements over the next 12 months..."

Let me get this right, (1) growth is slowly and in some cases reversing, (2) contracted revenue is going backwards, and (3) staff count has or is reduced... Yet the Board remains confident of the company's future commercial prospects? How or why is the Board confident this growth will return? Might be a question for Brad on the upcoming Meeting...

FY24 Guidance (or lack of): "Customer engagement on new clinic trials expected to remain strong... Expect improved clinical trials sales bookings in 2H24 compared with 1H24, as increased sales pipeline activity starts to deliver. The revenue impact of the expected sales bookings remains sensitive to timing of contract execution." "No specific guidance is provided."

Make of that what you will.

Overall not good, confused regarding the Board's position on the Share buybacks which makes me ponder their capital management. Looking forward to the Meeting.

Held, but confused - probably not a good sign.

#Notice of Initial Substantial
Added 7 months ago

This one from Cogstate (CGS) flew under the radar today - Notice of Initial Substantial Holder.

Anacacia Capital has picked up a lazy 10,424,974 shares amounting to 6.1% of CGS over the last 4 months (if I have read this correctly).

This probably explains the ~14% jump in SP today, albeit off a low base and low volume. Prior to today's pop, CGS was circling around 12-month lows, and points which have not been seen too often since circa 2021.

There hasn't been much (price sensitive) news regarding the company for some time, but it has been buying back shares since Feb 2023, amounting to a total of 3.753 million shares bought back for a total consideration of the best part of $5.6 million.

This has been a bit quiet ever since the whole takeover debacle early last year, @Noddy74 did a ripper job summarising it here. It's essentially been trading sideways since, while the overall market has trended up since then, CGS hasn't. I would hazard a guess Mr. Market is looking for some positive news to reinstate confidence.

As a previous top-10 SM stock, could we see a return to the rankings?

I was about to ask @Strawman to see if we can get the CEO Brad on to get his thoughts on business progress but it looks like this is already penned in for the 26th February; I'm looking forward to hearing from him to get an update.

Currently HOLD here, and IRL - but, will be paying close attention to their half yearly report (22nd Feb).