Forum Topics 4DX 4DX Phillips Distribution Agreemen

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Added 6 months ago

Interesting distribution agreement signed with Phillips for the US today.

The market seems to like the announcement with about a 30% pop in share price this morning. The devil will be in the detail so I'll tune in to the briefing next week. In my experience in the past (with distribution agreements), adding things to product catalogues is one thing but unless this is retiring quota for Phillips sales reps it probably won't be as valuable as the market hopes.

Interestingly according to my favourite AI's Phillips is only #3 in US market share:

Siemens Healthineers:

  • Estimated to hold around 25-30% of the US market share. It has a strong presence across various modalities and is particularly dominant in MRI and CT.

GE Healthcare:

  • Another major player in the US, with an estimated market share of about 20-25%. It is also well-established across various modalities and has a significant presence in ultrasound and molecular imaging.

Philips Healthcare:

  • Estimated to hold around 15-20% of the US market. While slightly behind the top two, it maintains a strong presence in various modalities, including CT, MRI, and ultrasound.

Added 6 months ago

Sounds like a big step, but more details are needed to make a better assessment.

Being the early stage speculative company it is, 4DX has tended to move big on announcements like this in the past, only to steeply retreat in the months after. I have seen this movie before...

Disc.: Hold a tiny, well underwater position IRL, which I refused to exit above water on past speculative spikes like this. Woe is me!


Added 5 months ago

Sure enough. Rinse and repeat...


Added 5 months ago

Feels like the last few times they have had decent bumps they have raised capital which has contributed to share price declines (have been through a couple of rounds of dilution on this one). They are still burning a lot of $ and real revenue beyond government grants is yet to materialise. I wonder if another raise is coming soon.

Added 6 months ago

I literally had been sitting on the sidelines for 4DX for the last month or so. Of course I miss the 40% increase!

As you say, devil will be in the details.