Company Report
Last edited 4 months ago
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26.8% pa
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Added 4 months ago

Just went through the AGM voting materials for 4DX yesterday.

It looks like a couple of the directors have opted to forgo their cash compensation for Options or RSUs which I’d read as being a positive sentiment towards the business’ progress and potential future increase in share price.

Chairperson took Options looks like she is a professional board member

Dr McGinty from looking at her profile looks like she might not need the cash

Positive sign or just window dressing … this company is still spending like a drunken sailor and diluting shareholders and looks to still be some way from profitability.

DISC: Held IRL (and Strawman)

#Phillips Distribution Agreemen
Added 6 months ago

Interesting distribution agreement signed with Phillips for the US today.

The market seems to like the announcement with about a 30% pop in share price this morning. The devil will be in the detail so I'll tune in to the briefing next week. In my experience in the past (with distribution agreements), adding things to product catalogues is one thing but unless this is retiring quota for Phillips sales reps it probably won't be as valuable as the market hopes.

Interestingly according to my favourite AI's Phillips is only #3 in US market share:

Siemens Healthineers:

  • Estimated to hold around 25-30% of the US market share. It has a strong presence across various modalities and is particularly dominant in MRI and CT.

GE Healthcare:

  • Another major player in the US, with an estimated market share of about 20-25%. It is also well-established across various modalities and has a significant presence in ultrasound and molecular imaging.

Philips Healthcare:

  • Estimated to hold around 15-20% of the US market. While slightly behind the top two, it maintains a strong presence in various modalities, including CT, MRI, and ultrasound.

#Pop before long weekend
Added 9 months ago

Big pop of about 16% yesterday with a flurry of trading at the open and just before close (higher than normal volumes) and for the conspiracy theorists … no news!

I’m not sure if anyone else has any idea what’s happening. I’m guessing it might be buying ahead of the S&P index rebalances that were supposed to be on Friday (maybe 4DX is being promoted into a bigger index).

The most recent market update was positive (i.e. USA equivalent of Medicare has decided on the rebate rates for the services) but that’s nearly a month ago.


DISC: Held IRL and SM (but feeling a bit lonely here in Strawman)