Company Report
Last edited 3 years ago
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#Media Release
Last edited 3 years ago

Bit wary of 4D Medical now that Julia Maguire from The Capital Group is sending emails when an announcement is made "every" time. I think The Capital Group was also involved in hosting that "special event" for millenial investors promoting alternative investments such as crypto?

While I understand the announcement is significant for the company, it however does feel these emails provide a exit point for holders that are underwater.

No longer held and sold at a significant loss, but still on my watchlist for now.

Apologies for being a bit harsh as I know some who are really passionate about 4D medical, but didn't appreciate the spam.


#ASX Announcements
Added 4 years ago

4D Medical received an order for a Permetium preclinical scanner from the University of Michigan. This will utilise the XV lung technology and software owned by 4D medical. The preclinical scanner will be manufactured and shipped in the coming months.

Total order is worth $600K and will be paid for by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH). More importantly, revenue will be earned in the short to medium term for any additional scans generated although they didn't announce how many scans are included as part of the initial purchase.

Either way it looks like a step in the right direction as they now have a platform to validate the XV Saas platform even though this is in the early stage.

#Presentation/Business Model
Last edited 4 years ago

Capital Raising Presentation

Applications are due Monday 29th March for those that are holding.

Presentation link

Have a feeling the Friday FOMO rally was due to people reading the recent announcement with the DoD in the USA and maybe securing as much shares as possible so they get their full allocation from the raise.

I've put in my SPP application already. I heard the $40m for the institutional and sophs was fully raised.

Disc: I hold

#ASX Announcements
Added 4 years ago

Trading Halt pending announcement of government grant/award

Federal Government Grant for Medical research technology

Holding 4DX shares