Company Report
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#ASX Announcements
Added 3 years ago

4DX has released their 4C and update this morning.

Looks like the market has recieved it favorably.

26 July 2021 Highlights

• Critical commercialisation milestones achieved, including clinical trial and pilot program developments for XV Lung Ventilation Analysis Software (XV LVAS™).

• Eight clinical trials active at some of the world’s most reputable medical institutions, including Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, University of Miami and Oregon Health & Science University

• Progressing pilot discussions with hospitals and clinics globally, including U.S. Department of Defense and Veterans Affairs affiliated healthcare centres, to integrate XV LVAS™ in everyday clinical practice

• Received US$600,000 purchase order from the University of Michigan in the U.S. to deploy a Permetium™ preclinical scanner and associated XV Technology™

• Initiated deployment of proceeds from the $28.9m MRFF Stage 2 grant award and $46.0m capital raising to support the development and commercialisation of the XVD Scanner™

• Continued investment in R&D driving additional use cases and additional types of existing hospital equipment to deliver broader potential customer base

• Strong cash position with $80.9 million held as at 30 June 2021

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