10-May-2024: DEG is raising capital again - this time it's another $600m @ $1.10/share; DEG were trading at $1.265 when they called the TH (on Wednesday 8th) for the CR, however they've recently been over $1.30, up to $1.375 (closing price on 12th April, 4 weeks ago).
08-May-2024: Equity Raise Investor Presentation - De Grey Mining - Hemi Gold Project
10-May-2024: Successful-Institutional-Bookbuild.PDF
Also: GOR-Gold-Road-Participates-in-De-Grey-Entitlement-Offer.PDF
Gold Road (GOR) are taking up their full entitlement in this CR. GOR were 19.99% owners of DEG prior to this CR and I presume their full entitlement allows them to continue to maintain that percentage ownership.
Here's the indicative timetable for the retail component (retail entitlement offer):
The fully underwritten retail component of the Entitlement Offer is expected to raise a further approximately $85.6 million (via the issue of approximately 77.8 million New Shares. Eligible retail shareholders, being shareholders with a registered address in Australia or New Zealand as at the record date of 7:00 pm Friday, 10 May 2024, not being US persons or acting for the account or benefit of persons in the US, will be invited to participate in the Retail Entitlement Offer at the same Offer Price and offer ratio (1 New Share for every 7.95 existing De Grey shares) as the Institutional Entitlement Offer.
Eligible retail shareholders can choose to take up all, part or none of their Entitlement. Eligible retail shareholders who take up their entitlement in full can also apply for additional shares in excess of their entitlement up to a maximum of 50% of their entitlement under a ‘top-up’ facility. Additional new shares will only be available where there is a shortfall between applications received from eligible retail shareholders and the number of new shares proposed to be issued under the Retail Entitlement Offer.
Disclosure: I do not hold DEG shares. Too early stage for me - and too much already in the price. DEG was already a $2.3 Billion company BEFORE this CR, and they haven't yet built their first gold mine. Here's a couple of slides from their capital raising presso (link at the top of this straw) that show how much more money they are still going to need before they actually make a dollar:
And that's for a project where the DFS estimates a total capital cost of $1.345 Billion, and these things rarely end up being built on time and on budget, especially on budget.
Their remaining funding requirements are at least $766m AFTER this $600 capital raising. And they are project developers, not producers, so there is no production income, and won't be for years. They hope to have their funding sorted out by the end of this calendar year, and then they have to do the EPC tendering process, select the winning bidder, and then the thing has to be built, commissioned, fine-tuned, and reach commercial production. And that don't all happen overnight.
If they have as much gold there at Hemi as what they think they probably have, then there would likely be upside from here, but my belief is that they're already priced for more than what they've found and proven to be there, so there's already at least SOME upside already priced in, and therefore there is some downside risk in buying at these prices if things don't pan out as they expect they will in terms of proving up the full extent of the deposit and the gold grades within it.
My preference is to usually go with the best gold producers, however on those occasions when I "invest" in a project developer, I want the plant (gold mill) to already be under construction - and be fully funded already, which DEG are not.
I mean, They Have A Plan. Everybody Has A Plan.
Not all plans... go to plan...
Things can and do go wrong sometimes. That's the risk with backing a project developer, no matter how good their project is, and Hemi is a damn fine deposit, but it's all under the ground at this point, and we don't yet know how big it is and how good it is. It's big. It's good. But HOW big and HOW good? They've spent years drilling, but my observation is that every time they say they have more gold the share price moves beyond what they've proven they've got, AGAIN, so there's always been upside priced in, and there may well be for years to come, until there isn't.
Good luck to all holders - but I'm going with gold producers over gold project developers at this point.