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#ASX Announcements
Added 2 months ago

Austco Healthcare Awarded National Purchasing Agreement with Premier

Austco Healthcare Limited's (ASX: AHC) subsidiary, Austco Marketing & Service (USA), has

been awarded a National Group Purchasing Agreement for Nurse Call with Premier, Inc. The

new agreement allows Premier members, at their discretion, to take advantage of special

pricing and terms pre-negotiated by Premier. Premier is a leading healthcare improvement

company, uniting an alliance of approximately 4,400 U.S. hospitals and 250,000 other

healthcare providers.

Whilst this agreement does not guarantee immediate revenue, it is an important step in

promoting the Austco brand as a leading Nurse Call provider in the US and provides

immediate reach to the alliance of hospitals and healthcare providers.

"We are honored to be awarded this National Group Purchasing Agreement with Premier,

Inc. The agreement underpins Austco’s reputation for delivering innovative, high-quality

clinical communication solutions to healthcare providers nationwide. We’re excited to offer

Premier members access to our industry-leading technology designed to enhance patient

care and streamline operational efficiency," said Clayton Astles, CEO of Austco Healthcare

#ASX Announcements
Added 11 months ago

I know this is followed and owned by some erudite members @Strawman @Wini and I also see a big future for this business. As frequently noted healthcare needs modernisation and from a big picture perspective I also see the worlds ageing demographics as a tailwind.

Aside from those external factors it’s great to see their R&D spend increasing and hope that this helps them cement more work noting the record sales order book…

look forward to other takes

 24 August 2023

ASX Release

Austco Healthcare increases revenues by 17%, invests further in sales capability and R&D

• Revenue from customers up 17% to $42.0 million

• Software and SMA revenues up 65% to $8.5 million

• Gross Margins increased to 53.4% compared to 52.5% in pcp

• Research and Development investment up $0.9 million to $4.6 million

• NPAT down $0.07 million to $2.3 million

• Open Sales Order book grew to a record high of $36.1 million

• No dividend has been declared to fund organic and inorganic growth

Austco Healthcare Limited (ASX:AHC) (Austco), a global leader in clinical communications solutions, announces a 17% increase in revenue from customers over the prior comparative period (pcp) to $42.0 million for FY23.

Software and SMA revenues were the largest driver of increased revenues, up 65% or $3.3 million to $8.5 million. This growth more than offset supply chain increased costs and allowed for improved Gross Margins up from 52.5% to 53.4% for the year.

The company achieved revenue and gross margin growth during FY23 despite fluctuations in raw material availability and pricing due to ongoing supply chain disruptions. During the year, the company undertook proactive measures to ramp up manufacturing output, resulting in a corresponding boost in revenue recognition. Even with the increase in manufacturing output and revenues, our Open Sales Order book grew to a record high of $36.1 million as of August 16, 2023.

As outlined in recent investors presentations, Austco has taken strategic advantage of its increased revenues to invest in its future sales and product capability. We continue to grow our investment in Sales and Marketing resources across several markets but have also increased our investment in Research and Development (up $1.1 million to $3.2 million) and also have funded $0.2 million of M&A costs, some of which have been incurred in finalising the acquisition of Teknocorp, which is intended to complete this quarter.

The investment in additional Sales and Marketing resources and Research and Development is expected to give rise to further increases in organic revenue growth. Further, the earnings per share accretive acquisition of Teknocorp will drive inorganic revenue growth.

Reported NPAT was down $0.07 million to $2.3 million as compared to pcp, as funding investments in Sales, Research and Development and M&A utilised the margin improvement from this financial year.

1/31 Sabre Drive Port Melbourne VIC 3207 ABN 67 108 208 760 t +61 (03) 9209 9688

  Revenue ($m) 50



35 31.2 30





5 0

42.0 35.9

FY22 FY23 2H Total

      FY21 1H

Revenues from customers

Total FY23 revenues of $42.0 million were up $6.1 million or 17% on FY22. This is the highest reported revenue over the last 10 years.

Both halves contributed to the record revenues, although second half revenues of $21.4 million were up 3% on first half revenue.

The North American market continued to drive the increase in revenues from customers.

Despite the record revenues demonstrating our ability to convert our Sales Orders into recognised revenue, new contract wins have maintained a strong Open Sales Order book to underwrite revenues in FY24. The Open Sales Order book currently sits at $36.1 million.

Software and SMA revenues from customers

High margin software and SMA revenues are key to our strategic growth plan and have been our primary focus over the past few years.

With the prior year’s COVID-19 restrictions (which impacted our ability to drive software sales as high solution sales require face to face interactions) now passed, we have seen strong take up, with software and SMA revenues up 65% or $3.3 million.

Software and SMA revenues in FY23 accounted for 20.2% of total revenues, up from 14.4% of FY22 revenues.

We expect this trend to continue as customers navigate towards higher solution sales with a higher proportion of software and as customers renew SMA’s at a higher rate seeing the value of support and software upgrades over the life of their product deployment.

 9 6 3 0

Software & SMA Revenue ($m)






FY22 FY23 2H Total











55.0% 54.0% 53.0% 52.0% 51.0% 50.0%

Gross Margin ($m)

     FY22 GM $

FY23 GM %

Gross Margins on revenues from customers

The Company recorded gross margin percentage growth despite ongoing global supply chain challenges, which have adversely impacted raw material availability and pricing.

Material growth in software and SMA revenues more than offset supply chain increased costs and allowed for improved Gross Margins up from 52.5% to 53.4% for the year.

In addition to software and SMA revenue growth, new products to market assisted in gross margin growth.

Off higher revenues and higher margins, the amount of Gross Margin delivered in FY232 materially increased from $18.8 million to $22.4 million.

Indirect Cost Base

During the year, our cost base grew from $16.9 million in FY22 to $20.7 million in FY23 as we:

• Invested in Sales resources across multiple regions;

• Invested in additional R&D activities by putting on an offshore team to deal with a restricted development cadence from the core US team as resources were diverted from our product roadmap to configure and test alternate parts necessary to deal with supply chain issues. This was a significant contributor to the increased $1.1 million in net R&D expensed in FY23. We disbanded this offshore team in August 2023 as they had completed the backlog of tasks; and

• Invested $0.2 million in M&A activity, mainly in relation to the recently announced Teknocorp acquisition which is

nearing completion.

With a long sales cycle, the payback for additional sales resources is not immediate; however, initiatives put in place in FY22 assisted in driving FY23 revenue growth.

Further, the Teknocorp acquisition will be EPS accreditive in FY24 and the increased R&D costs from the offshore team will be reduced in FY24.

 Cost Base ($m) 24.0


 18.0 12.0 6.0 0.0

16.9 14.7

   FY21 1H

FY22 FY23 2H Total

  4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0

NPAT ($m)




     FY21 1H

FY22 FY23 2H Total

Statutory Net Profit after Tax

Statutory NPAT is $2.26 million for FY23, 4% lower than FY22 NPAT of $2.33 million.

Whilst higher revenues and stronger gross margins provided for a higher gross margin amount, this was strategically consumed, as discussed above, to position Austco for growth in future years.

During the year, Austco also increased the amount of deferred tax assets recognised, reflecting the profitable trading (and outlook) of its US business ($0.5 million) and Australian business ($0.1 million). This gave rise to an income tax credit for the year.

The FY21 result in the corresponding chart benefited from $1.9 million of one off Other Income, being COVID grants and legal settlement related.

Open Sales Orders

Recent contract wins in Canada and Singapore have contributed to the growth of Austco’s OSO. Our Open Sales Order book now stands at $36.1 million at 16 August 2023, up from $29.3 million at 30 June 2023.

Open Sales Orders (OSO) represent confirmed contracted orders from customers that have not yet been fulfilled and, as such, no revenue recognised.

During the pandemic, we have observed a material build-up in our confirmed orders as site access restrictions and supply chain challenges hampered our ability to convert sales into revenue. In FY23, we materially delivered on the backlog of orders.

Faced with the uncertainties stemming from supply chain disruptions, we made the strategic decision to augment our inventory levels. This strategy was pursued throughout FY23, resulting in our current inventory reaching $10.8 million.

 40.0 35.0 30.0 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0

29.8 20.1 22.9 24.5 23.3 22.5 22.1 24.7

36.1 29.3

14.5 15.7 17.1 11.1 11.3 10.7 11.6 12.8

Open Sales Orders ($m)


20.3 20.3 22.6























 Cash and Working Capital Position

Cash on hand was $4.7 million at 30 June 2023, down from $7.6 million at June 2022. Cash generated from operating activities of $0.3 million was modest and reflected further increases in our working capital needs, mainly inventory and receivables arising from a growing business. Dividend payments in FY23 net of dividends reinvested also consumed $1.0 million.


No dividend has been declared, to fund organic and inorganic growth.

Research & Development

In the reporting period, the Company invested a further $4.6 million (FY22; $3.7 million), of which $1.4 million was capitalised (FY22; $1.5 million) in the development of its innovative nurse call and clinical communications platform, Tacera. Austco involves healthcare staff of all levels in the design process, ensuring our products meet the requirements of nurses, patients and healthcare administrators.

Innovation lies at the core of the company’s product roadmap. Through collaboration and an openness to embrace emerging technologies, we aim not only to meet the demands of today’s healthcare industry but also position the company to exceed the evolving needs of our customers.

The company remains dedicated to its ongoing efforts to enhance its market-leading real-time locating (RTLS) solution and software suite. These advancements encompass not only the core RTLS technology but also include advanced clinical workflow optimization, efficient task management, and insightful business intelligence solutions.

By leveraging cutting-edge locating technology, caregivers can streamline their workflows with precision. This includes the seamless automation of essential tasks such as automatic presence tracking, alarm cancellation, and comprehensive logging of completed rounds. Additionally, the convenience of one-touch mobile assistance is integrated, providing caregivers instantaneous access to precise location notifications directly on their iPhone and Android mobile devices through Austco's innovative Pulse Mobile platform.

On a global scale, our Tacera and Pulse brands are recognised as premier healthcare communications and clinical workflow solutions. The development of an open architecture, VOIP capable system that delivers IP to the patient's bedside is key to the evolution of the Tacera and Pulse brands well into the future.


 The Future/Outlook

The prospects for Austco Healthcare have never been more promising. Over the course of the financial year, we bolstered our sales and marketing capabilities in high-growth markets, strategically positioning the business to capture new opportunities within the growing healthcare technology sector. The investments we have directed toward sales resources and product development are expected to be the driving forces behind sustained organic growth in the coming years.

Fulfilling our $36.1 million order backlog will depend on the continued improvement of the global supply chain, which has encountered widely reported disruptions affecting lead times and manufacturing costs across various industries. Encouragingly, there has been a gradual improvement in the availability and pricing of raw materials, giving us confidence that the company can build on the momentum and continue to grow revenues and profits.

Austco’s strategic roadmap remains focused on growth-oriented initiatives. These include introducing innovative products, establishing strategic partnerships, and exploring potential mergers and acquisitions. These initiatives underpin our commitment to sustain and increase the company's growth trajectory well into the foreseeable future.

This announcement was approved for release to the ASX by the board. ~ Ends ~

Further Information

Telephone AUS: +61 411 531 170 Telephone AUS: +61 439 369 551 Telephone US: +1 416 565 7457

Email: Email:

About Austco Healthcare Limited (ASX Code – AHC)

Austco Healthcare Limited is an international provider of healthcare communication and clinical workflow management solutions. Headquartered in Australia, the company has subsidiaries in six countries and supports healthcare facilities through its global reseller network, which includes growing markets in health, aged care and acute care. Austco Healthcare services markets including Australia, New Zealand, Canada, UK, USA, Asia and the Middle East. For further information, please refer to the Company’s website

 Clayton Astles

Chief Executive Officer

Brendan Maher

Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary


#ASX Announcements
Last edited one year ago

22/2/23 Austco Healthcare Appendix 4D and HY Dec 22 Results

Catching up on reporting season for a few names.

A tidy result from AHC as they continue to emerge from the effects of Covid. Headline numbers were revenue up 29% to $20.5m and underlying NPAT (removing subsidies/grants from prior period) up 57% to $1.3m. A re-instatement of the dividend was also a sign management are confident the headwinds from Covid are abating.

The highlight of the result was software revenue up 47% and accounting for 18% of total revenue (a record result). This helped drive gross margins to 55%, not quite a record itself as the contribution from the high margin software revenue was offset by some lingering supply chain issues. Management did say that the second quarter was better than the first for executing on orders which bodes well for the second half and FY24.

In general cash conversion was solid with operating cash inflow of $1.2m despite another increase in inventories by $2m to $11m. I'd expect to see inventory begin to normalise as the company executes on it's backlog of orders from ~25% of revenue now to <20% pre-Covid.

At first glance the increase in the overhead cost base from $7.3m last year to $9.6m this year is concerning, but it is worth noting the frontloading of the cost base occurred in 2H22, with 1H23 largely flat on that result ($9.5m).

On the current numbers AHC's return on equity of 9% on the rolling 12 months looks lacklustre but I expect return on capital metrics to improve sharply in the next few reports. Most of the improvement will come from a general increase in margins as Covid effects on supply chains ease and software revenue continues to become a larger % of the total.

Beyond that, it is worth noting that nearly all of the capital in the business is working capital with only $400k of PPE and no debt. As inventory pressures normalise we should see the strain on working capital ease which will help improve profitability metrics.

#Business Model/Strategy
Added 2 years ago

Pop in share price after AGM update


Would have been good if they had a slide that tracks their progress against competitors. Otherwise lots of content to take away and digest.

Still have watch position


#Investor Presentation
Added 2 years ago

Austco snuck in a price sensitive investor presentation this morning, which was an interesting decision given they released results less than two weeks ago (sans presentation). It came two days after a competitor, Hills Limited (HIL.ASX) announced they had been successful in bidding for the New Footscray Hospital tender in Melbourne. I'm not saying it was because of that. I'll leave that to others.

Largely it replicated what they they had already released with some swanky graphics added. It did give a little more detail about the growth investment being made in each region. One nice little new tidbit it shared was an increase in the order book to a record $24.7m. That's $2m higher than they had disclosed at the end of August and is probably what justified it being price sensitive.



#ASX Announcements
Added 2 years ago

25/8/22 Appendix 4E & FY22 Financial Statements

A solid result from AHC, headlined by a 15% growth in revenues despite cycling a tough comp in the 2H21. Management called out the easing of Covid restrictions in key hospital and aged care customers particularly in the 4Q which hopefully bodes well for momentum into FY23. Software revenue grew 18% a solid result but probably below the expectations of management given they are trying to grow software to close to a 50/50 split with hardware revenue (from 14.5% today). That said, management have been clear since the onset of Covid that sales in the segment are complex and benefit from sales access to sites which has been disrupted.

Margins were pressured in FY22, at the gross margin level supply chain issues and chip shortages continue to pose challenges but in the face of that only falling from 53.5% to 52.4% is probably a good result. At the operating level margins took a larger hit with the forecast increase in sales and R&D that was put on hold through Covid disruption. Underlying NPAT increased from $1.5m to $1.7m but benefited from a lower tax rate.

Free cash flow was basically breakeven for the year, down from $1.4m last year. Like many manufacturers the culprit was a build up of inventory, however I will give AHC some leeway here given $3m of the increase was finished goods and the business continues to have a strong order book waiting to be eaten into quickly.

My takeaway from this report is AHC management are flipping the switch from "survive" to "thrive" with Covid disruption now getting further into the rear view mirror. The cost base has been ramped a bit to support a deeper sales team, the former head of Hills Health Solutions (main competitor in APAC) has been poached as the new COO and the order book supports revenue growth over the next couple of years.