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#Debt Reduction 16/3/21
Added 4 years ago

Further to their impressive results on 23/2/21 as posted by MeganM


  •  A$7.5 million instalment on Tranche C Facility paid ahead of schedule
  •  Further voluntary repayment (US$2.5 million) off Tranche B Facility

Established Australian copper and gold producer and explorer, Aeris Resources Limited (“Aeris” or “the Company”) (ASX:AIS) is pleased to advise that it has today paid the third quarterly instalment of A$7.5 million under its Acquisition Bridging Facility (Tranche C), two weeks ahead of its scheduled date. Additionally, US$2.5 million has been voluntarily repaid off the US$ Tranche B Facility.

Aeris’ Executive Chairman, Andre Labuschagne, said: “The strong cashflows generated from Cracow and Tritton over the last 8 months has enabled us to reduce debt levels ahead of schedule. Since completing the Cracow acquisition on 1July 2020 approximately A$28 million in debt has been paid down.”

“With a strengthened balance sheet, a pipeline of development projects and exploration upside at both operations, we are moving into an exciting new phase for the Company.”

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