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#$REX on the ropes, $AQZ opport
Added 3 months ago

I'm guessing a 1.6% upside to today's price is validation for the benefits $AQZ will glean from $REX tough current situation in administration.

#$REX on the ropes, $AQZ opport
Added 3 months ago

Whilst $REX and $AQZ have different business models and client bases, i.e. Rex doing flights between capital cities (or was before EY were appointed as administrators) and also regional destinations (still operating) and Alliance focusing on FIFO and wet/dry leasing to almost anyone without bias, the current struggles at Rex must be seen as a great opportunity for Alliance.

After discussions with the TWU today, it was reported that as many as 610 workers will be laid off. Whilst this is horrid news for Rex, one of the significant roadblocks to Alliance and their switched-on management team kicking even bigger goals for their ever increasing fleet (and the spare parts business they are now renowned for both regionally and globally) is qualified personnel.  Assuming some of these could be secured via these proposed lay-offs, it can only be good news for MD Scott McMillan and his team.

RL portfolio holder only of $AQZ