Hi @Rick, You peaked my interest as I gave up on Banks long ago. I used to be in one of those period where they didnt move and just went sideways. I now can see why it has moved to where it did (the good old 200% wvae 5). I also think the Analyst's just put targets in using fibonnacci number as they always (and I mean always) seem to land on a mix between Fibonacci levels, Support /resistance levels & sma's. Personally I like the $87 market.
Did some quick figures on it since listed on the market, it has gone up by x23.67 (from $5.66 ---> $134), in 32 yrs just on growth inc the 2008 crash & covid. So could have done even better if added more during those times and none of that includes Dividends or fully franked. Personally I would never have guessed ( i should have though, they are strong).