Company Report
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Added 2 years ago

I dont know this company but in reading their reports was struck by a certain deja vu, then i found this on wikipedia...lets hope history doesnt repeat for s/h's

By 2018 the RCR brand had a reputation for delivering high quality mining technologies, innovation and services to both national and international markets and by the end of Financial year 2018 the company had grown to $2Billion in Revenue and was net cash at June 30 2018, having paid down all debt facilities.[31][32][33]

In late July 2018, cost overruns were discovered on a project. At the time the cost overruns were significant however, the company remained in profit and net cash. The Chairman, Roderick Brown, directed RCR into a protracted voluntary suspension for a period of 30 days which was had long term ramifications.[33] The company completed a capital raising of $100 million by Macquarie Bank, paying $12.1M in fees, according to the 2018 Annual Report, and the company resumed normal activities.[34] The Chairman, Roderick Brown and Directors called in Administrators when the Secured Creditors withdrew support for them on November 21, 2018.[34][35] In the final report of the Liquidator, it was determined that the protracted Suspension and the loss of confidence in the Chairman, Roderick Brown and new CEO, Bruce James “had a significant adverse impact on the group and its ability to successfully tender for new projects”.[35]

According to the Administrator's Report, McGrathNicol oversaw “a sale process that involved more than 300 interested parties on an 'accelerated sale process' timeline, seeking bids with minimal conditionality”.[35] The Administrators admitted failure to sell the business as a whole “Ultimately, each bidder who had initially engaged in the 'whole of business' sale process concluded they would not submit final bids”.[35] This was expected due to the accelerated due diligence process that was unsuitable for sale of such a large complex conglomerate as identified by KPMG in “Navigating Complex M&A”.[36]

The Sell Off[edit]

In 2018, RCR Boilers was sold to The Environmental Group Limited