Company Report
Last edited 7 months ago
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#ASX Announcements
Last edited 7 months ago

Strategic A$15.28M Investment from Keysight Technologies

Not a major sum from a 26 billion USD company, but I'm still glad to see the deepening of the connection between the two...

The Placement price is 2.05, hardly a discount to yesterday's close at 2.07 and a nice confirmation of value.

#ASX Announcements
Added 2 years ago

11/11/2022 EMVision Backed By NSW Medical Devices Fund With $2.5m Grant

More non-dilutive funding, an area in which EMV has been highly focused & consistent. Outside validation of the Tech and recognition of the need for the products.

13/11/2022  Portable Brain Scanner Delivered to First Clinical Site 

Quote: EMVision CEO, Dr Ron Weinberger commented: “This is a pivotal moment for our company. This multisite trial across pre-validation and subsequent validation phases will provide crucial clinical evidence for the safety and efficacy of our product.


PS: would suggest anyone researching EMV not forget to look into the potential recurring revenues of consumables, should the tech reach commercialization...