Notice under section 708A(5)(e) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)
EOS snuck this one in later in the day.
On 13 October 2022, the Company announced that it had entered into new financing arrangements with Washington H. Soul Pattinson and Company Limited (WHSP), a major shareholder of the Company. Under the terms of the new financing arrangements the Company agreed to issue WHSP 7,653,040 new fully paid ordinary shares in the Company (WHSP Shares) (representing 4.68% of the Company's issued capital). Following the issue of the WHSP Shares, WHSP will hold 9.95% of the issued capital of the Company.
So not only is EOS paying a lot in interest and fees for this loan from WHSP but they've also had to cough up almost 5% of the companies capital in new shares to WHSP to get this deal over the line.
Given the poor terms of this arrangement for EOS it shows how bad a situation they must be in given they couldn't secure more favourable terms either from WHSP or another source.