Share price has faded over 10% in the two trading days since the Quarterly Meeting announcement of a projected 4-6cps 2021 final dividend, down from 9cps FY2020. The Canadian Red Lake mine acquisition is proving a hard pill to swallow, running at a A$21.9m loss while upgrading and has an AISC of A$2233/oz, cf group ASIC of A$1215 and current gold price of A$2450. By 2023, Red Lake is expected to double output with 30% decrease in AISC and blue skies by 2026 with projected 330,000oz annual production, bringing Group output to 90% of the magical Mega oz mark. Group cost base is 53% on labour, something to watch with reported mine personnel shortages and inflation on the horizon.
True believers can hearten themselves by remembering the gold price doubling after governments spent their way out of the 2008/9 crash.
(disclosure: I've held EVN since 2017)